September 24, 2018

Top 5 Best Dishes in Halong You Can’t Miss out On

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Visitors have been hugely attracted to Halong (Vietnam) not just because of its mind-blowing natural beauty but for its excellent food. 

It is said that feasting on Halong cuisine is one of great ways to know more about Halong and Vietnam as well. That’s because the destination is famous for plenty of fresh seafood and Vietnamese traditional meals. Trying the dishes there is worth it!

1. Cha Muc (Squid sausage)


Do you have the appetite for Asia’s best dishes? Then try Cha Muc. As one of local specialties, Cha Muc has squid in the waters of Halong Bay as its main ingredient. The squid sausage in Halong is considered incomparably delicious and quality thanks to this specific kind of squid just found in the Halong area. Aside from the pleasantly crunchy texture of the squid, the food has sensational flavor and irresistible aroma. Cha Muc tastes even better when being served with Xôi (sticky rice). 

2. Sam (Horseshoe crab) 


Sam is in the same family with crabs but looks bigger. It can be processed into different foods – for example, sam hap (steamed horseshoe crab), sam xao (fried horseshoe crab), sam xao mien (stir-fried horseshoe crab and glass noodle), trung sam chien gion (fried eggs and horseshoe crab), and sam xao xa ot (horseshoe crab sauté with peppers and lemongrass). They taste unique, appetizing, and satisfying. 

3. Bun Be Be (Mantis shrimp rice noodles)


One of the ingredients in the dish is mantis shrimp. As the locals use shrimp freshly caught from the sea of Quang Ninh, its meat remains naturally fresh. After initial processing, its shell is cooked together with the piggy bone to be served as broth. Other ingredients included in a bowl of Bun Be Be are fried tofu, sweet cabbage, tomatoes, fried onion, and herbs to enhance the flavor of food. 

4. Banh Gat Gu (Steaming rice cake) 


While seafood makes up much of Halong cuisine, there are other meal options you should explore. One of them is Banh Gat Gu made from steamed rice flour. Along with caramelized pork, this soft cake tastes more enticing when being dipped in the sauce distilled with chicken fat and added with fried onion, garlic, chili, etc. 

5. Ga Doi Tien Yen (Tien Yen hill chicken)


Tien Yen chicken can be processed into a lot of different meals with their own kind of appeal though, the best is the one simply boiled. It is especially tempting with juicy meat, crunchy skin, and the sweet smell of lime. This dish can be eaten with Banh Gat Gu. 

Images credit: Original authors