February 3, 2019

The Top 30+ Best Quotes from the Drama, Reply 1988

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Here, you are taken back to the year 1988. That time, five families live in the same alley road. The drama sheds light on their everyday life that you can relate to, from the family, neighborhood, to friendship and first love. There’re also many quotes being able to tug your heartstring. Thus, I have collected some of them from this amazing show. They manage to occupy a special place in our hearts.

The year was 1988, a time when it was chilly, but our hearts were fiery, a time when we didn’t have much but people’s hearts were warm. (Deok Sun)
There was no internet or any smartphone back then. Thinking about it now, how did we spend all that time? (Deok Sun)
In some ways, one’s own family is the most oblivious. But … what’s so important about knowing? In the end, what helps you overcome obstacles isn’t brains, but someone who will take your hand and never let you go. In the end, that’s family. Even for heroes, the people they go back to in the end, is family. (Deok Sun)
Adults feel pain, too. It’s just that adults keep it bottled up. They were just busy being adults, and they just acted strong due to the pressure that came with their age. (Deok Sun)
Death is the end. What good are filial deeds after your parent dies? You have to treat your parents well while they’re around. (Sung Dong Il)
Mothers tend to be the one you miss the most, whether they are alive or dead. (Sung Dong Il)
How can you win every time? Losses happen. They say that losses are all a part of gaining experience. Just consider this loss as a good experience, and forget about it already.
Another way to say ‘tacky’ or ‘sick of’ is ‘comfortable’ and ‘accustomed to’. (Jung Hwan)
Sometimes, I felt like my mom was an embarrassment. There were times I couldn’t understand why she seemed to lack self-consciousness or a sense of pride, and got angry. I didn’t realize it then, but it was because there was something precious that she wanted to protect more than herself. And that it was because of me. (Bo Ra)
Don’t be too sad. Another person might be in love with you right now and might suddenly confess they’ve liked you for a very long time (Moon Se)
Time continues on. That’s why time eventually creates farewells, and it always leaves people with regrets. (Deok Sun)
If you love someone, you have to tell them now before your fleeting days become filled with regrets. In some ways, the biggest present that time leaves us with is the memories we have of loving others. That’s why you have to shove embarrassment aside and confess your love to the one you love before it’s too late. (Deok Sun)
Sun Woo: Why are your hands so cold?
Bo Ra: Because my heart is warm. People with warm hearts have cold hands.
What’s the point in living intensely? People live and die in a day. (Moo Sung)
If one wishes for a new relationship, if one wishes for love, one must cross the line. If one were to not cross the line, that line would demarcate the limit of how far you and that person can go. (Deok Sun)
If you’re discontent with something, don’t run away from home. Just get angry. Why are you holding it in? They won’t know unless you tell them. How are they supposed to know when you haven’t told them? Your mom and dad are busy enough as it is. How can you expect them to take care of your mental state, too? First, go home and say that you’re sorry. If the mood doesn’t get better, run away from home again. (Bo Ra)
You really know how to inconvenience someone. You keep appearing in front of me and I keep getting tangled up with you. But…you doing that…is because of me, I think. I think I did something to give you hope. Okay. Let’s date. I like you too. (Bo Ra)
Loving someone is not just the feeling of wanting to give them things. It’s the desperate desire to give them things. (Bo Ra)
To love someone, does not only mean that you love to feel them near you, but it means to acclimate yourself to them. And also, to love someone means that no matter how much pain or grief that person causes you, you find yourself wanting to hate them so much yet you can never bring yourself to hate them. (Bo Ra)
To love someone, doesn’t mean that you don’t hate them. It means that you can’t hate them. (Bo Ra)
But, Sun Young, what about your own life? I mean, your kids are important, yes. You can ignore me and say that I’m just blabbing on because I don’t understand your situation but … you only live once too, okay? Isn’t that right? You should live happily just once too. Isn’t that right? (Mi Ran)
When I was young, Superman lived at my house. He was a MacGyver-type of guy who could fix anything in the world. He’d appear out of nowhere to fix every sort of problem. He’d never show any sort of weakness whatsoever. However, I came to know the truth after growing out of my childhood. Just like Superman, they were all normal people whose true selves were still hidden. (Bo Ra)
Nobody knows what kinds of unfair, sad, scary, difficult things that fathers were forced to face throughout their lifetime. And now the reason why they endured through the unfair, sad, scary, difficult things in the world is because they had people they had to protect. It’s because they have families who depend on them as the ‘father’. (Bo Ra)
If you want to know if someone likes you, look into their eyes. Eyes can’t lie. (Sun Woo)
Fate does not come to you at just anytime. It should happen, often at the most dramatic moments brought by coincidence. That is what makes it fate. That is why, another term for fate, is timing. (Jung Hwan)
In the end, fate and timing do not just happen out of coincidence. They are products of earnest, simple choices, which make up miraculous moments. Being resolute, making decisions without hesitation - that is what makes timing. He wanted her more than I did. And I should have been more courageous. It was not the traffic light’s fault. It was not timing. It was my countless hesitations. (Jung Hwan)
I like you. I waited an hour at the front door every day to go to school with you. I waited every night until you came home from studying. I couldn’t sleep worrying about you. I thought of nothing but you. I was happy just to see you. (Jung Hwan)
Time will always flow. Everything will pass by. That might be why youth is beautiful. It shines, blindingly bright, for just an instant. But to it, you can never go back (Deok Sun)
Life works out in strange ways. (Sun Young)
Time doesn’t pass by just for us, it passes by for everyone. Stop complaining, just accept it and go along with it. (Il Hwa)
I just like her. When I'm with her. When she smiles... I almost feel like I could die. (Choi Taek) 
Images credit: Original authors 


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