March 29, 2019

Fight for My Way Kdrama: The Best Quotes for Those Who Need Motivation

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Dong Man: Now that you've done what you love, are you that happy?
Ae Ra: I could die. I guess people really need to do what they love. 
Being a good mom and a good wife was my dream. Does that not count as a dream? Does everyone have to better themselves? You guys are all capable and do well for yourselves. Can’t I just live for my family? It’s nothing worse than you guys. (Seol Hee) 
Don’t [give me advice]. I’m not going to pass the interview anyway, right? So please don’t hurt me. I have the right to not get my feelings hurt. I will be the one that decides my limits and capabilities. (Ae Ra when the interviewer advises her about life) 
Don’t look down on yourself! (Dong Man) 
If growing up means giving up on your dreams, then I’ll give up on growing up. (Dong Man) 
If it’s all or nothing, let’s make it all. (Dong Man) 
I’m fine with my life. Why do you look down on me? (Ae Ra) 
Isn’t where you are the major league for you? Isn’t wherever you’re happy the major league for you? Just go with the thing that makes your heart beat faster. (Dong Man) 
It isn’t cool to act tough when you want to cry. It’s cool to cry when you want to. (Dong Man) 
It’s not “Youth is for being in pain,” it’s “Youth is for making trouble.” (Ae Ra) 
Stop being so timid. Have a backbone. (Seol Hee’s Mom) 
We woke up earlier than anyone and we slept later, but we never had enough time. We lived harder than anyone, but our resumés don’t show a thing. They seem to be everything of our history. It makes me mad and upset. (Ae Ra) 
You must think the world is full of women dying to ride on your white horse, but Cinderella stories aren’t popular anymore. The real world is filled with moronic women who work hard and succeed on their own. So take your glass slippers, and feed them to the dogs. (Ae Ra) 
You’re the queen of your life. (Seol Hee’s Mom) 
Even if we can’t win, let’s play anyway. Living our way is winning. Who cares what others say? (Dong Man) 

Gif credit: Original author


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