July 1, 2019

Beautiful World: My 5+ Favorite Quotes from This Worth Watching Drama

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Become a Person Who Produces Hope (Jeong Ho Seung):
At times when everyone in the world is asleep, and even when dreams are asleep confined in darkness,
become a person who walks as he follows the stars instead of being afraid of the dawn that has risen above.
Become a person who produces hope.
As the winter night grows even darker tonight, with no way to return due to the falling snow
In a dark room with a flickering candle that's about to go out near a workplace where your work for the day is done.
become a person who loves sorrow.
Become a person who produces hope.
In this world of despair where despair doesn't exist
In this world of sadness where sadness doesn't exist
If you live your life with love, the spring snow will fall.
Encounter the person you've been expecting out in the snow
Encounter the person you've been yearning for out in the snow
Exclaim aloud as you embrace that person a smile
Exclaim aloud as you rub your cheeks together and cry.
Become a person who walks as he follows the stars
Become a person who produces hope
Those who walk along the barley field covered in spring snow
Run over to me, and fill your heart with dreams
Fill your heart with dreams.
Everyone makes mistakes in life. What’s important is what comes after that. How you choose to live afterward.
If you are brave enough to kill yourself, you can do anything! So you must live. You need to keep going.
The more upset and angrier you feel, the more you have to stay strong. That’s how you’ll be able to fight on your own.
When your dream is just a way to make a living, it becomes a sad dream.
Won’t it be okay if I’m not? You don’t have to pretend that you’re okay. Being not okay doesn’t mean you don’t have courage.
 Images credit: Original authors


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