September 7, 2020

Relatable "Psycho But It's Okay' KDrama Quotes: What Struck You the Most?

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Adults cannot always be right. We make mistakes until the day we die.
A fairy tale is not a hallucinogen that gives us hopes and dreams. It is a stimulant that makes us face reality.
Always those who are weak act all tough.
Do children have to be useful to their parents?
Do not be stubborn when things do not work. You need to learn to try other methods.
Do not forget any of it. Remember it all and overcome it.
Do not make the same mistake I did and try to run when you cannot even walk. When you are tired, get some rest. When you are sad, go ahead and cry. It is okay to take a break. Then one day, there will surely come a day when you will be able to run again.
Do what you really want to do, and go where you want to go.
Even parents cannot fully understand their own child.
Everyone is good and bad. We all live with both traits.
Hurtful, painful memories. Only those with such memories buried in their hearts can become stronger, more passionate, and emotionally flexible. And only those can attain happiness.
If we have taken family photos together, we are family. (Gang Tae)
If you cannot erase it, you just need to cover it with something better.
If you keep a secret to yourself, you end up getting frustrated. You need to tell someone in order to relieve your stress.
I heard we all have a set amount of happiness and misfortune assigned to us. If their lives have been filled with misfortune up till now, it means only happiness awaits them.

It is hard for you to be cool. Let's be honest.

Love changes people. 

Love is all about patience.
Love is not a sin.
One must let out what is inside to avoid headaches. (Moon Young)
Only those who have suffered truly understand suffering.
People are all hypocrites. We all live with a lot of hatred, but we act like that is not the case.
To make the people around me happy, I have to be happy first.’ So being selfish is not necessarily a bad thing. If it is too hard, just think about your own happiness. (Joo Ri)
I am done with being someone who is needed by others.

 People always quit all of a sudden.

People stick together because they are weak. We lean on each other like this. That is what makes us human. 
FYI: The Chinese character of 人 means 'human'~
The first step is always the hardest. But once you take the first step, things will get easier from then on.
There is nothing in the world that is right for everyone.
You can cherish and care about people in different ways. Think about the different kinds of yellow. Even the same color can take different names depending on its chroma. The same goes for human emotions, such as affection. Fondness, hatred, love, friendship, and lust. They are like a rainbow.
You cannot get out once you are trapped in the past. You will not be able to see the door.
You may fall, but I know that you will never give up because you are a very strong person.
You should not be embarrassed about being sad.
You should not stop someone from doing what they want or what they like. Plus, it is impossible.
Your body is honest. When you are in physical pain, you cry. But the heart is a liar. It stays quiet even when it is hurting. Then, when you are asleep, you finally weep and whimper like a dog.
Your heart is the problem because you cannot control it.
Now we think the same
No worries on our ways
And I could tell you now
We’re always having each other 
We think the same 
My world is always you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Can you add korean subtitel for download?
