October 18, 2020

The Best Quotes From the Drama 'Do You Like Brahms?' That You Love

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As time passes, you tend to remember when you hurt someone, more than when someone hurts you. So do not hurt someone too deeply.

Being with you makes me smile and feel happy. (Joon Yeong to Song Ah)
By the time the callouses on my fingers hardened, I thought my heart would have toughened as well. Since there was nothing special between us. I thought that I would be okay now. I told myself that every day. No. I’m not okay. I... like... I like you. It’s something I can’t help. I like you very much. My grand plan to fall back on... my toughened heart... has totally failed... (Song Ah to Joon Yeong)
Do not just try to show each other your good sides, but I hope you share your pain and flaws so you can rely on and comfort each other. I hope you can be that way for one another.
Every single word you say and every little thing you do concerns me. (Song Ah to Joon Yeong)
For you, music is more comfortable than words, right? (Jung Kyung to Joon Yeong)
How can I lean on you when you are even more unstable? (Song Ah to Joon Yeong)
Joon Yeong: I am satisfied too, since everyone liked it. 
Song Ah: Not what others think. I mean, did you like it?
If you want to cry about something, promise to call me. Then I will come running.
I keep thinking of you playing that night. Whenever I think about it, it touches someplace in my heart. (Song Ah to Joon Yeong)
It is my first time feeling this way.
I never asked you to cover my eyes. It is worse to feel like a fool than feeling hurt. (Song Ah)
I realized that I will continue to love even if I continue to get hurt over and over again.
I took a step of courage only twice in my life. To play the violin. And for love.
Musicians practice diligently for hours every day for many years. I believe in the power of time. That means you are patient and can wait. Trust yourself. And Joon-young… give him some time as well. Joon-young always puts himself second. So he does not say what he thinks. He can be frustrating at times, but once he starts caring for you, he is not the one to give up first.
My eyes have just become filled with tears. The music he made was so hot that everything in my soul seemed insignificant to me… So I just cried. (Song Ah talked about Joon Yeong)
The phrase "too much", we use it when something exceeds our limit. I think that is the reason love becomes painful. You should love adequately, but you loved too much. (Joon Yeong)
There are moments that make you suddenly realize something. (Song Ah)
To be honest, I bought the ticket to Daejeon thinking I really did not want to come here. Right now, I am glad I came. Thank you for tagging along.

- Well... Actually, I do not eat ice cream often. 
- What? But you said you wanted to eat ice cream at school before. 
- Well... That was... It was just an excuse that popped into my head. An excuse to see you.
Whenever I come to Seoul, everything changes. But the palace always looks the same, so I keep thinking. I do modern music, but I still get more into music like Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven. I just like things that do not change for a long time… (Joon Yeong)

When we choose gifts, we look forward to the person receiving the gift to like it. It is the same when we help someone. Even if we do not hope to get anything in return, we hope it was meaningful for the other person and look forward to that. 

I like you. I like you.
I like you. I like you.
I came to tell you this. (Joon Yeong)

Images and gifs credit: Original authors


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