May 15, 2021

Learn Korean Through 'Doom at Your Service' Drama Dialogues (Episode 1)

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Tip of the day for practicing Korean through dramas and movies: You may want to choose 'rewind 10 seconds' and 'forward 10 seconds' to listen to some lines again.

1. 0:21 : 3:39 - Dong Kyung and the doctor


Doctor: 교모세포종 입니다. 다발성 종양분포 예요. 어지럽고 구토하고 그러는 것도, 다 이것 때문 입니다. 자세한 건 조직검사를 해봐야 아는데. 아무래도 위치가 안 좋아요.
Dong Kyung: 네...
Doctor: 네.
Dong Kyung: 조직검사... 그거 주말에도 하시나요?
Doctor: 주말에는 안 합니다.
Dong Kyung: 검사하는 대는 며칠이나?
Doctor: 최소... 일주일 정도.
Dong Kyung: 그러면 안 되는데.
Doctor: 뭐가요?
Dong Kyung: 그럼 저 못해요.
Doctor: 조직검사를요?
Dong Kyung: ... 네... 연차를 며칠 써가지고 일주일이나 휴가 못 내요.
Doctor: 아니 지금 휴가가 문제가 아니지 않아요?
Dong Kyung: 모르겠어요.
Dong Kyung: 일주일은 휴가를 못내요...
Doctor: 그럼 하지 맙시다... 검사. 수술하면 일 년 삽니다. 안 하면 삼-사 개월 정도. 그 일 년도 정상적으로는 살 수 없을 겁니다. 편마비가 오거나 언어장애, 인지장애가 올 수도 있어요. 조직검사 자체도 위험할 수 있고.
Dong Kyung: 위험해요?
Doctor: 네.
Dong Kyung: 죽어요?
Doctor: 네.
Dong Kyung: 아... 그렇구나... 네...
(닥터 염라대왕 (정당면 작가님) 이벤트 진행 계획 보고서)
Dong Kyung: 이벤트 참고 사항은 서류 보시면 참고 되실 거고 제가 메일로도 보내 놓을게요.
아까 말씀 드렸다시피 플랫폼 쪽이랑 약속한 날짜가 있으니까. 바쁘시더라도 칠십 까지 연재분, 다음 달 초까지는 넘겨 주셔야 되요 작가님.
Doctor: 네.
Dong Kyung: 업으로 조금, 바쁘시겠지만, 그래도 이벤트까지 얼마 안 남았으니까,
조금만 더 힘내 주세요.
Doctor: 예, 연락 드릴게요.
Dong Kyung: 네.
Doctor: 편집장님도 연락주세요.
Dong Kyung: 네. 작가님, 파이팅!
Dong Kyung: 오늘 진짜 의사 갖고 멋있었어요. MRI 순서 빽 써주신 것도 감사합니다.
Doctor: 아니에요 뭘. 의사니까 진짜.
Dong Kyung: 그럼.
Doctor: 편집장님, 파이팅!
Dong Kyung: 네, 파이팅!

Doctor: It is a glioblastoma. You have multiple tumors. It is all because of this that you feel dizzy and vomit. I will find out more with a biopsy. But the location of your tumors seems to not be good.
Dong Kyung: I see...
Doctor: Yes.
Dong Kyung: Biopsy... Do you do that on the weekends?
Doctor: Not on weekends.
Dong Kyung: How many days will it take to do the biopsy?
Doctor: At least... a week.
Dong Kyung: That will not work.
Doctor: Pardon?
Dong Kyung: Then, I cannot.
Doctor: You cannot do a biopsy?
Dong Kyung: ... Yes... I have already used some of my vacation days, so I cannot take a week off from work.
Doctor: Taking time off work is not the issue now?
Dong Kyung: I am not sure.
Dong Kyung: I cannot take a week off.
Doctor: Then. let's not do the test. If you get the surgery, you will live a year. Without it, you will have about three to four months. You will not be able to live normally for that year either. You may suffer from hemiplegia, a speech disorder, and a cognitive disorder as well. Getting a biopsy itself can be risky, too.
Dong Kyung: Is it risky?
Doctor: Yes.
Dong Kyung: Will I die?
Doctor: Yes.
Dong Kyung: Oh, I see... Yes...
(Dong Kyung gave the doctor the Event Planning Report for Jung Dang Myun's "Dr. Yeomra.")
Dong Kyung: You can take a look at the report for the event schedule. I will also email you the report. Like I told you before, we made an agreement on the date with the platform. I know you are busy, but you must send us your writing up to the 70th episode by early next month.
Doctor: Okay.
Dong Kyung: I know your day job keeps you busy, but the event is around the corner. Please work a bit harder.
Doctor: Okay, I will contact you.
Dong Kyung: Yes.
Doctor: Editor, please give me a call, too.
Dong Kyung: Okay. Mr. Jung [the doctor cum writer's name], fighting (aka you can do it)!
Dong Kyung: You looked like a real doctor today and were cool. Thank you for letting me skip the line for the MRI today.
Doctor: That was nothing. I am a real doctor.
Dong Kyung: Bye.
Doctor: Editor, Fighting (aka hang in there)!
Dong Kyung: Okay, you too!

2. 3:51 : 04:22  - Dong Kyung and Myulmang: First encounter <3

Dong Kyung (the word running around her head): 교모 세포종... 교모 세포종... 교모 세포종... 
Dong Kyung (when falling in Myulmang's arm~): 아니, 뭔 얼굴이...
Myulmang: 잘생긴 건 아는데 바빠서.

Dong Kyung (the word running around her head): Glioblastoma... Glioblastoma... Glioblastoma...
Dong Kyung (when falling in Myulmang's arm~): What a face...
Myulmang: I know I am handsome. But I am busy.

3. 30:10 : 33:00 - Dong Kyung who does not know how to cry

Dong Kyung (narration): 울지 못하는 건 내 오래된 습관이었다. 열 살에 나는 눈물을 삼키는 법을 알았다. 흘리지 못하고 삼킨 눈물은... 전부 어디로 갔을까. 이제야 알 것 같다.
[Back to Dong Kyung's funeral]
One of Dong Kyung's relatives 그래도 핏줄인데 집안에서 거둬 키워야지.
Another one: 그럼 형님이 키우실 거예요? 남의 애 키우는 게 어디 쉽냐.
Another one: 그려. 쟤들도 저 눈칫밥 먹고 클 바엔.
Another one: 그냥 어디 시설에다가.
Another one: 애들 들어요.
[Back to the present]
Dong Kyung (narration): 그날부터 울지 못한 울음은 덩어리처럼 불어. 결국, 내 머릿속에 자리 잡았다.

Dong Kyung (narration): Not being able to cry has been a habit of mine for a long time. When I was 10, I knew how to swallow my tears. The tears I swallowed without being able to fall... I wonder where they ended up going? I think I know now.
Back to Dong Kyung's funeral:
One of Dong Kyung's relatives: Still, they are our bloodline. We should take them in and raise them.
Another one: So, will you raise them, sister-in-law? As if it is easy to raise someone else's children.
Another one: She has a point. They should not grow up walking on eggshells.
Another one: The kids may hear. 
Another relative: Why do not we just send them to some orphanage?
[Back to the present]
Dong Kyung (narration): Since that day, the tears that I could not sweep has swelled like a lump. Eventually, it settled somewhere in my head.

4. 35:47 - : Please bring doom to this world!

[Message from the scum boyfriend (who Dong Kyung did not know is a married one)] 오빠가 나중에 다 설명할게.
[Another incoming message] 탁동경 님 13-1 학기 대출이 여네 중. 확인 후, 빠른 정리 바랍니다. (한국장학협회)
Stars shooting and Dong Kyung's wish: 세상 다 망해라... 다 멸망해 버려... 멸망시켜줘!
[At the same time, Myulmang can listen to the wishes, including Dong Kyung's one]
- 제발 로또 맞게 해 주세요. 
- 살 10 kg만 빠지게 해 주세요 제발.
- 세상 다 망해라...
- 가족들이라 잘 살게 해주세요.
- 다 멸망해 버려... 멸망시켜줘!
Myulmang: 소원에서 술 냄새가 좀 나네.
[At Dong Kyung's home]
Dong Kyung: 뭐야? 지금 시간이 몇 신데... 아이씨, 진짜. 아...
Myulmang: 안녕. 장난 좀 쳐봤어, 빨리 문 열라고.
Dong Kyung: 네?
Myulmang: 스위스 보였다가 이탈리아 보였다가. 그러는 거.
Dong Kyung (recalling): 아니, 뭔 얼굴이...
Myulmang: 그래, 안다고 잘생긴 거.
Dong Kyung: 아. 여기는 뭐해?
Myulmang: 불러서 왔는데.
Dong Kyung: 네? 제가요?
Myulmang: 응, 부르던데, 네가.
Dong Kyung: 누구신데요, 그쪽이?
Myulmang: 멸망.
Myulmang: 하도 늦게 열길래 집이 넓은가 했더니. 좁네.
Dong Kyung: 아니, 저기요! 저...
Myulmang: 뭐 해? 앉아.
Dong Kyung: 여기 제 집인데요.
Myulmang: 그래. 괘념치 말고.
[Dong Kyung secretly pressing 112]
Myulmang: 제사상이네?
Myulmang: 오늘 내 생일인데.
Dong Kyung: 아. 그러세요? 네... 생일 축하드려요!
Myulmang: 누구한테 축하는 또 처음 받아보네.
[Dong Kyung's phone suddenly turns off]
Myulmang: 쓸데없이 힘 빼지 말고. 금방 끝나 그렇게 해 주세요 라고만 하면.
Dong Kyung: 네? 뭘요?
Myulmang: 세상 멸망시켜달라며.
Dong Kyung (recalling): 멸망시켜줘!
Dong Kyung: 아까부터 듣고 있었어? 우리 집을 알고 있었어? 우리 집 주변을 막 서성거렸어?
Myulmang: 안 그랬어. 나 바빠.
Dong Kyung: 너 누구야? 원하는 게 뭐야? 케이크야?
Myulmang: 이럴 시간 없어. 너 곧 죽잖아. 정확히 100 일 후에.
Dong Kyung: 저기... 그... 저, 혹시.. 병원에서 나오셨어요?
Myulmang: 의사가 저런 것도 할 줄 알아?
Dong Kyung: 못 하겠죠, 저런 건.
Myulmang: 내 생일은 아무 때나 찾아오지 않아. 내 생일은 세기를 넘어 문명을 건너 들어와. 그러니까 늦기 전에 얼른 빌어.
Dong Kyung: 오. 우와... 교모 세포종에 이런 증상이 있을 줄이야. 우! 와...
Myulmang: 뭐?
Dong Kyung: 환각. 오. 신기해. 오오...
Myulmang: 시간이 좀 더 필요한 모양이네. 아무래도 비현실적인 하니까, 이 상황이?
Dong Kyung: 네?
Myulmang: 뭐, 괜찮아. 내 생일 아직 안 끝났으니까. 
Myulmang: 이따 봐.
Dong Kyung: 와아... 꿈인가?
Myulmang (hearing Dong Kyung's mind while walking away): 그럴리가. (FYI: 그럴리가 vs. 그럴리가 없어~ㄹ/을 리가 없다)
Dong Kyung: 아이씨... 모르겠어! 모르겠어!
Myulmang (in his home): 좀 걸리네.
Dong Kyung (feeling surprised when suddenly showing up at Myulmang's house): 뭐야? 여기 어디야?
Myulmang: 우리 집. 앉아. 괘념치 말고.
Dong Kyung: 집...? 나 지금 납치당했니? 
Myulmang:뭐 비슷하지? 정확히 말하자면, 니 꿈에 내가 허락없이 들어온거.
Dong Kyung: 꿈? 꿈이라고? 이게?
Dong Kyung: 우와... 우와! 우와! 우와... 뭐야? 진짜야?
Myulmang: 아무리 꿈이라지만 남의 집에서 너무 예의 없네.
Dong Kyung: 그쪽도 아까... 아니, 근데, 아까부터 좀 불편한데. 왜 자꾸 반말을 하세요?
Myulmang: 먼저 하던데, 반말.
Dong Kyung: 제가요?
Myulmang: 멸망시켜줘 그러길래 말 놓자는 건 줄 알았지.
Dong Kyung: 그건 그쪽한테 한 말이 아니고.
Myulmang: 그럼 누구한테 한 건데? 내가 멸망인데.
Dong Kyung: 이게 꿈이다 이거지?그러니까?
Dong Kyung: 뭐야? 현관은 어디야? 집에 갈 거야...
Myulmang: 아무래도 장소가 마음에 안 드나 보네.
[Moving to the beach scene]
Dong Kyung: 우와!
Myulmang: 원하던 데. 케이크 값이야.
Dong Kyung: 그러니까 본인이 멸망이시다?
Myulmang: 어떤 멸망이든, 어느 정도 내 책임이 있지.
Dong Kyung: 그럼 본인이 멸망시키면 되지! 나한테 왜 이래요?
Myulmang: 내가 안 해봤을까? 안 되더라고. 한낱, 프로그램의 의지라서 그런지.

Message from the scum boyfriend (who Dong Kyung did not know is a married one): I (Oppa) will explain everything later.
[Another incoming message] Ms Tak Dong Kyung, your school loan for the 13-1 quarter is overdue. After checking, please wire the money at the earliest. (Korean School Aid Association)
Stars shooting and Dong Kyung's wish: I just want the world to come to an end... I want everything destroyed... Just bring doom to this world!
[At the same time, Myulmang can listen to the wishes, including Dong Kyung's one]
- Please let me win the lottery. 
- Please help me lose only 10 kg. 
- I just want the world to come to an end... 
- Please let me live happily with my family.
- I want everything destroyed... Just bring doom to this world!     
Myulmang: I smell alcohol in this wish.
[At Dong Kyung's home]
Dong Kyung: Gosh, who is here at this hour?... My gosh...
Myulmang: Hello. I pranked you so that you would open the door quickly.
Dong Kyung: What?
Myulmang: You saw Switzerland and then Italy. That kind of thing.
Dong Kyung (recalling): What a face...
Myulmang: Yes, I know I am handsome.
Dong Kyung: My gosh. What are you doing here?
Myulmang: I came because you called me.
Dong Kyung: What? I did? 
Myulmang: Yes, you called me.
Dong Kyung: Who are you?
Myulmang: Myulmang.
Myulmang: It took you ages to open the door, so I thought your house was big. But it is tiny.
Dong Kyung: Hey! What...
Myulmang: What are you doing? Sit down.
Dong Kyung: This is my house.
Myulmang: I know. Do not mind me.
[Dong Kyung secretly pressing 112]
Myulmang: The anniversary of someone's death?
Myulmang: Today is my birthday.
Dong Kyung: Oh. Really? I see... Happy birthday!
Myulmang: It is the first time I have ever received a birthday congratulation from someone.
[Dong Kyung's phone suddenly turns off]
Myulmang: Do not bother wasting your energy. It will end right away if you tell me to do that.
Dong Kyung: What? 
Myulmang: You asked me to bring doom to the world. 
Dong Kyung (recalling): Just bring doom to this world!
Dong Kyung: You was listening to me from earlier? Did you know my house? Were you roaming around my house?
Myulmang: No, I did not. I am busy.
Dong Kyung: Who are you? What do you want? Is it cake?
Myulmang: We do not have time for this. You are going to die soon. Exactly 100 days later.
Dong Kyung: Excuse me... By any chance... did you come from the hospital?
Myulmang: Do you think a doctor can do that? 
Dong Kyung: No, they cannot.
Myulmang: My birthday does not always come. My birthday travels worldwide and through the fates of many people. So hurry up and make a wish before it is too late.
Dong Kyung: Oh. Wow... Glioblastoma seems to have these symptoms. Wow...
Myulmang: What?
Dong Kyung: Hallucination. This is so interesting.
Myulmang: It seems like you need more time. This situation does seem unrealistic? 
Dong Kyung: What? 
Myulmang: Well, it is okay. My birthday is not over yet.
Myulmang: See you later.
Dong Kyung: Wow... Is this a dream?
Myulmang (hearing Dong Kyung's mind while walking away): Of course not.
Dong Kyung: My gosh. I do not get it. I do not get it.
Myukmang (in his home): It takes a bit.
Dong Kyung (feeling surprised when suddenly showing up at Myulmang's house): What is going on? Where is this place?
Myulmang: My house. Sit down. Make yourself at home.
Dong Kyung: Is this his house? Did I just get kidnapped?
Myulmang: I guess you can say that. To be more exact, I came into your dream without permission.
Dong Kyung: Dream? It is a dream? This?
Dong Kyung: Wow... Wow! Wow! Wow... What is this? Is this real?
Myulmang: Even if this is a dream, you have no manners at someone else's house.
Dong Kyung: Earlier, you also... But, I have been a little uncomfortable since before. Why do you keep talking to me without honorifics (casual language)?
Myulmang: You talked to me informally first.
Dong Kyung: I did?
Myulmang: "Just bring doom to this world." As you said it without honorifics, I thought that is what you wanted.
Dong Kyung: I was not saying that to you. 
Myulmang: Then whom were you talking to? I am Doom.
Dong Kyung: This is a dream, is not it?
Dong Kyung: What is this? Where is the front door? I am going to go home...
Myulmang: I guess you do not like the location.
[Moving to the beach scene]
Dong Kyung: Wow!
Myulmang: It is where you wanted to go. It is for the cake.
Dong Kyung: So, are you Doom?
Myulmang: Any doom, to some extent, is my responsibility.
Dong Kyung: Then you can bring doom to the world yourself! Why are you doing this to me?
Myulmang: Do you think I have not tried? It did not work. It is merely because of the system's intention.
(to be continued)