August 22, 2021

'It’s Okay to Not Be Okay' Quotes Kdrama: Relevant, Leaving a Deep Meaning, and Healing

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Adults cannot always be right. We make mistakes until the day we die.
A fairy tale is not a hallucinogen that gives us hopes and dreams. It’s a stimulant that makes us face reality.
A family portrait is the proof that you are family.
A kiss is a better fight.
(Yea, we fight because we love each other. But do not forget to kiss and make up.~~)
As long as one person stays strong when the other person falls down, you guys will never fall down together. Try your best to stay strong.
Back then even when parents hit their children, everyone thought it was okay because it was considered as a way of disciplining kids. But that is child abuse.
Being around him is like taking a breath after being underwater too long, clear, expansive, and life-affirming. She loves pressing her nose into his neck and breathing in deep.
Being busy is not a bad thing.
Be polite. If you are polite, you will not get scolded as much. (Sang Tae)
Being together torments you. But if you break up, it is equally painful. If both opinions feel like death, would not it be better to suffer together?
Do children have to be useful to their parents?
Do not be stubborn when things do not work out. You need to learn to try other things.
Do not forget any of it. Remember it all and overcome it.

Do not look up at the stars in the beautiful night sky. Look down at your feet that are stuck in a filthy sewer.

Do not make the same mistake I did and try to run when you cannot even walk. When you are tired, get some rest. When you are sad, go ahead and cry. It is okay to take a break. Then one day, there will surely come a day when you will be able to run again. (Director Oh to a patient)


Do you think I stay quiet because I enjoy getting hurt? I am not going to hold it in anymore. I am done doing that!
Even if you are psycho, that is okay.
Everyone is good and bad. We all live with both traits.
I do not want Moon Young to suffer like this. So I hope she never finds out about this. I do not want her to be hurt. I do not want her to ever care about other people’s feelings. (Gang Tae about Moon Young)
- I hate kids and animals. They are unreasonable, they whine all the time and they always beg for love.
- That is why I like them. They make me care for them because they are unreasonable. It is cute to see them whine. And because they beg for love, it makes me grow fond of them. Just like you.
- I really grew up like a princess in this castle that my dad built. The life of a princess is more difficult than you can ever imagine. The ending is the only happy part.
- You see, a happy ending is what matters most.
I have something to say to you tonight. I will give, everything to you. I will give you my heart full of love. If it is for you, there is nothing I cannot do. I will present you the stars. The whole universe.
I will feed you, okay? You are not feeling well today, so it is okay to be fed like a baby. (Sang Tae to Moon Young)
Gang Tae is not some object we can toss around. Gang Tae belongs to Gang Tae.
He loves her a lot. Sometimes, that is why you must let someone go.
Hurtful, painful memories. Only those with such memories buried in their hearts can become stronger, more passionate, and emotionally flexible. And only those can attain happiness.
- Hyung, do you know the fairy tale called ‘The Ugly Duckling’?
- Yes. The other ducks are so mean to the little ugly duckling. They bully him because he looks different from them.
- So he got really lonely and decided to leave his family, right? What do you think would’ve happened if the mother duck gave a lot of love to the little ugly duckling?
- Then it would not have left.
- If the adults embrace all their kids with the same amount of love, the ducks and swans can all get along and live together as one family.
I am done with being someone who is needed by others. (Gang Tae)
If I give all my stuff to people who need them, what about me? What will I have left?
If living is hard enough to die, running away is the most comfortable.
If you cannot erase it, you just need to cover it with something better. (Moon Young)
If you want to be fashionable, you must be uncomfortable and stubborn. (Moon Young)
If you want to make people around you happy, you have to find your own happiness first. Being selfish is not always a bad thing. Try to only think about your happiness when things are too stressful. It is okay to do that. (Joo Ri to Gang Tae)
- I have been living alone all my life. People like me are not able to live among others. It is better to be secluded.
- Moon Young, you cannot live by yourself anymore. Because now you know how it feels to feel warm at heart and have a full stomach. So just admit it. That you are just a little kid who wants to be loved.
I have been tied up for way too long, so I forgot how to cut myself free. (Gang Tae)
Is being different something to be afraid of? (Sang Tae)
It is rude to just say sorry without even looking at the person. If you want to apologize for something, you have to look at the person and say it.
- Just accept it. Then you will feel much more at ease.
- Accept what?
- The fact that you are weak. It is always those who are weak that act all tough. Since you are so weak, you cannot just walk away from weak people. You want to lean on them, and vice versa. That is why weaklings are attracted to each other like magnets. So you had better stick together. You weakling should join forces and stick together. Then you guys will become invincible.
Liars are bad. Only bad people lie.
Love is all about patience.
- Obviously, he has never had a chance to whine or complain to his parents. He got so used to just putting up with things and keeping it all inside. Then one day, he realized he has become an adult. But he is still a kid inside, so how would you understand his feelings and thoughts?
- Even parents cannot fully understand their own child.
Only those who have suffered truly understand suffering. (Director Oh)
Overspending is a sin. Make sure you do not overspend.
People are all hypocrites. we all live with a lot of hatred, but we act like that is not the case. After all, who is not flawless.


Please count at least one to three before you do anything impulsive.
People stick together because they are weak. We lean on each other like this. That is what makes us human. Will you ever be human?
Remember it all and overcome it. If you do not overcome it, you will always be a kid whose soul never grows.
Something cannot be torn apart no matter how hard you try to do so.
Stop pretending like it does not hurt. Stop pretending like you are okay.
The law of the total number of misfortunes. I heard we all have a set amount of happiness and misfortune assigned to us. If their lives have been filled with misfortune up till now, it means only happiness awaits them. (Joo Ri about the trio)
The first step is always the hardest. But once you take the first step, things will get easier from then on.
The one who neglects and turns a blind eye to the abuse is worse than the abuser.
Trauma should be faced head-on like this instead of trying to soothe it from behind.
Usually, bad memories last longer in the heart.
- Want to know something? When someone is in love, the brain releases vitamins and makes that person seem more attractive.
- It is dopamine, not vitamin.
- Are you showing off that you work at a hospital? We both did not receive a good education. We are like two peas in a pot.
- It is pod, not pot.
We go hand in hand. Like a bomb and its safety pin. I am volatile, you are patient.
When I see you smile, I forget everything else. The butterfly and even my mom. I forget everything else except the two of us.
When someone has autism it means they shut the door to the world.
Who cares about destiny? If someone shows up when you need them, you call that destiny. (Moon Young)
Who cares if I walk all night or put on a strip show in the rain? Why are you getting upset? Were you worried about me? Are you upset? Does your heart ache? Do you…like me? (Moon Young to Gang Tae)
- Why is everyone so nice to me? I am not your family.
- Because you are pretty. You are pretty, you eat well. It is nice how you like Gang Tae for who he is even though he has nothing to offer.
- Why is Gang Tae upset?
- Do you know how I have managed to stay close to him all these years? By having no idea of what goes on in his mind or how he really feels. You see Gang Tae is an expert at hiding his feelings. He never really opens up to anyone. Nothing good will come out of prying and forcing him to share his feelings and thoughts. All you can do is to be there for him and try to comfort him quietly. Being by his side is enough.
Your body is honest. When you are in physical pain, you cry. But the heart is a liar. It stays quiet even when it is hurting. Then, when you are asleep, you finally weep and whimper like a dog. (Sang Tae)
When you are talking about people, you should never number them like that. You can cherish and care about people in different ways. Think about the different kinds of yellow. Even the same color can take different names depending on its chroma. The same goes for human emotions like affection. Fondness, hatred, love, friendship, and lust. They are like a rainbow.
You can never go out once you are trapped in the past because you cannot even see the door.
You do not need to try so hard. Just relax and be yourself. That is the real Moon Sang Tae.
You should not be embarrassed about being sad.
Your mouth can tell lies but those eyes cannot.
You should not stop people from doing what they want or liking someone.

Gifs credit: Original authors 


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