November 20, 2021

Best "Melancholia" Kdrama Quotes to Take to Heart: Ep.1 - 4

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Although people can get lucky, justice still exists. Thus, luck is not everything. (Yoon Su)

For your information~ (Image credit: kdrama_ir


Do you think you are special? Do you think you are smart? Plenty of kids have your talent. Know something? Some famous mathematicians have low IQs.... It is not because your talent is special. Your mathematical perspective of the world. That is what is special. (Yoon Su to Seung Yoo)
The life of a mathematician does not become brighter because they solve a problem, or become darker because they do not. While they are solving the problem, they tremble, they feel excited and anxious. Whether you get the answer or not, could not it be about those moments you only feel when you are concentrating? (Yoon Su)
12 hours filming the scene and NOT the best one appeared yet? That's insane! (Image credit: blueskypallette)
This was exciting. But I am also afraid. Either way, Baek Seung Yoo, nor Baek Min Jae. I am glad we met.
I found it, the problem, and the answer. I finally found it. (Seung Yoo)
And just like that, he radiates a smile.

I am interested in mathematics only as a creative art. The mathematician's patterns like the painters' or poets' must be beautiful.
A small piece identical to the large one in an endless repetition. We see it all around the world we live in. An infinite within a finite world. It is beautiful. (Yoon Su's father)
Yoon Su: In 1965, artist Roman Opalka wrote out numbers starting with one.... Until he died in 2011. This piece is one of a series. "Whatever I do, time goes by. I wanted to keep that villain in one spot, so I write numbers. What I want to show is us living a finite life. Humanism. Time. And space."... It is infinite because you do not know up to what numbers you will use. But it is finite because it will end at some point.
- Seung Yoo: It is both infinite and finite. It has it all.
I am pleased that you smile and get angry. So do not close yourself up. Do not hide your true self. (Yoon Su to Seung Yoo)
It is not all about winning or losing. But I do not want him [Seung Yoo] to get hurt in a game that is not fair at all. (Yoon Su) 
- Yoon Su: He [Her father] spent a decade writing that thesis. But it became worthless just because of a small flaw. And he spent years trying to fix it. It is hard to imagine how he must have felt. 
- Seung Yoo: Is that why you told me not to fall in love with that math problem? 
- Yoon Su: I wanted you to immerse in it but not get too attached. I wanted you to like it but not get obsessed over it. That is how I want you to feel about math. I want you to be free.
- Ye Rin: Math was never easy for me. I am not like Seung Yoo.... To you, Seung Yoo is adorable, isn't he? He was born with talent. If I were you, I would like him, too.
- Yoon Su: I am jealous. I liked math but I did not have Seung Yoo's talent.
- Ye Rin: Then you must know how it feels to have to compete with him.
- Yoon Su: To be honest, I want to tell you both to not compete. The Mathematician Olympics is a festival, not a competition. A few years down the line, you might say you wish you had just enjoyed yourself.
- Yoon Su: Do you know this one? 
- Seung Yoo: Melancholia? 
- Yoon Su: Yes. That is the title of this drawing. 
- Seung Yoo: Does not that mean gloomy? 
- Yoon Su: It does. Whereas gloomy usually refers to when you feel incompetent and feel endlessly down. If you keep sinking endlessly, you have to hit the bottom eventually. Like the state of nothingness. Once you let everything go, you can dream of a new beginning. 
- Seung Yoo: Is that why there is light coming in from here? 
- Yoon Su: You are right. I guess you are going to make a new discovery before the light fades.
These stars were painted by Vincent van Gogh in 1889. Although it has been 100 years, they still inspire us to this day and they continue to do so forever. The artist may have lived a finite life, but he painted a picture that will last forever.... Artificial intelligence can only perform vast functions within the formulas and data entered by humans. It is based on finite information, and can never reach infinity. But we humans are different. Bestowing creativity and imagination to artificial intelligence is our goal. Like George Cantor who established the infinite set theory solved many dilemmas and helped math advance in leaps and bounds. We can dream infinitely and freely expand our realm of thoughts. Infinity is not in the far future, right now - it is within us all. (Seung Yoo)
Images credit: Original authors

1 comment:

  1. I love it!! I wish I could find the script in Korean
