November 12, 2021

Best "Dali and Cocky Prince" Kdrama Quotes That You Like

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You can work after we eat. We study and we work so we can feed ourselves. (Moo Hak)
Whether we have money or not, are successful or not, we all get to have three meals a day, which is the only thing that is fair. (Moo Hak)

I am not dead yet. Why would I skip my meals? (Mook Hak)
Knives are not the only way to stab people. It is impossible to recover when you stab people with words. It stays there for life, stuck in people's hearts. (Dali)
We do not openly express our feelings to our family. We just assume that they will understand us. (Dali)
When things get hard, people say, "This too shall pass." Pain, sadness.... That will all go away with time. But if you think about it the other way, that is a sad saying. It means that the happiness and love you had will all disappear eventually. (Dali)
It does not look like you know that many curse words. You should stop and get up. (Moo Hak)
- Dali: I guess I feel more at ease when I am with you... to a point that I got grumpy. I apologize
- Moo Hak: Well, you know, things happen in life. You do not have to apologize. You can always get grumpy with me. I will gladly let you do that. It does not even cost anything. That is not very hard to do.
The world is a dangerous and horrendous place... There is no man worth trusting. (Moo Hak)
Real adults do not skip meals. (Moo Hak)
There is only one thing you lack, Won Tak and that is humor. Mr. Jin [Mook Hak] was making dad jokes. Isn’t he cute? (Dali)

Just because you are adopted, does that change who you are? (Moo Hak to Dali)
Blood does not make our relationships with our parents ideal and normal, unlike our preconceptions. (Moo Hak to Dali)
We are dust and stars at the same time. We were never some cheap dolls. (Dali to Gong Joo)

Images and gifs credit: Original authors


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