December 19, 2021

Product Copy That Sells: Your Guideline and Examples

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Source: mohamed_hassan via Pixabay

Meta description

This small blurb shows up underneath your website on the search engine results page (SERP). It gives a brief summary of your page content. As a result, users know whether the page will answer their questions.
  • Maximum character count: 300
  • Include the main keyword at least once
  • Promote your product in an honest, clever, and enticing fashion
For example: With little-to-no side effects, [health product name] plays a huge part in crushing depression, relieving headaches, diminishing inflammation, and tackling other main health concerns. Its taste is the same as a freshly baked cherry, which is the plus you desire.

Short description

  • Maximum character count: 300
  • Short description of the product that will be used on the product page.
  • Ensure it is enticing.
For example: Undoubtedly, [health product name] is the ultimate appeal.
100% guarantee is for [features. e.g.]
That is why the [health product name] treats mental and physical conditions, say inflammation, chronic pain, and stress.
It has a yummy fruity flavor you cannot resist. 

Email copy

This is the text used in emails.
  • Make it as appealing as you can while also staying succinct.
  • 3 - 4 sentences are ideal.
  • You can talk about the product's appearance, origins, flavor, effects, etc.
For example: Discovering a healthcare product with proven mind, body, and medical effects and benefits TAKES TIME. Plenty of time. Also, you will never see to it that you will get the results you expect.
Thanks to the [health product name] with mood-evocative flavor, you will be in good shape in the easiest, most desirable way.
Get it before it is gone. Limited quantities are available!

Banner copy

Used to describe the product’s property.

Product details

These depend on the type of your goods. Here is an instance.

Product information

In this blurb, you introduce the product and summarize its effects. As there is a high chance that the consumer will read this, it should cover everything about the product, say introduction/ origins, potency, and effects.
For example: A cool, sour, and sweet surprise. We call it [health product name]. This... is a proud child of the famous.... If you are a... enthusiast and in the market for a potent... whose... content is up to ...%, you cannot go wrong with this [health product name].


In this blurb, you introduce the product’s aroma. It is A-OK to get sensory, yet avoid overdoing it with adjective after adjective.
For example: This [health product name] makes a grand entrance and does find its way to steal your heart and live in your mind rent-free.
You will be fond of its rich, strong, and pretty incongruous fragrance thanks in large part to its earthy floral and herbaceous characteristics and fruit aroma. The [health product name], upon combustion, flushes with the nutty toasted biscuit scent in a yummy balance with the emerging fruitiness. Whoever likes dessert loves it!


In this blurb, you introduce the product’s flavor.
For example: This [health product name]’s aroma is a smooth combination of earth and fruit fragrance. Meanwhile, its flavor evocates your mood.
On the exhale, it appeals to you with a mesmerizing journey reminiscent of an extravagant black tea house.
This melts seamlessly with the abundant cherry notes. That is why in the mouth, their taste is similar to preserves.


In this blurb, you address the appearance of the product. Some of the elements to be talked about can be color, shape, density, and then some. Sensory details are recommended but do not overdo it.
For example: The buds are squat and girthy. On the other hand, their densely packed attribute makes their weight palpable in your hand. Better yet, they are a smooth combination of green, night-sky purple, and clementine orange pistil tendrils.


In this blurb, you focus on the kind of experience that the product delivers.
For example: [Health product name] is well--known for its significantly high... content. Likewise, the effect balance is proven super-duper useful and fit for various purposes.
Reportedly, it has a strong... effect practically at once, petering out smoothly into a physically calm, relaxed state. The [health product name] will make you genuinely happy and at the same time, enable you to keep a clear head.
While [health product name’s ... concentration is quite higher, it boasts the stabilization of the... aspect and can champion creative activity with serious concentration.

... Content

List out the nutrient content, for example.


In this blurb, you mention the benefits, for instance, medicinal effects that the product has.
For example: Are you among the seekers of the medical perks that... brings to the table? Then, this [health product name] may be your best bet.
There are a lot of... in its... profile. It is worth noting that according to research, ... in generous amounts has brought pain-relieving benefits.
But that is not all. A multitude of users has applauded this [health product name] for its capability of relieving their pain and simultaneously letting them play or work unhindered.


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