May 31, 2022

Tidbits About Jobs and Recruitment

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Tidbits About Jobs and Recruitment
Image credit: Karolina Grabowska via Pixabay

Essentials of the job of management consultants

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a high-paid management consultant in tier one firms like McKinsey? Then, the first thing you should know about this profession is what precisely it is.

Management consulting is a job that requires you to have broad and solid business common sense, detailed professional knowledge in one domain or two (say Retail and Marketing), and above all, intellectual capability to address knotty business problems for your clients. Usually, its daily tasks include analyzing corporate figures, interviewing the client’s staff, making business proposals, and managing the persons in charge of the suggestion implementation. According to figures from Indeed and Wharton, the average salary for this job in the United States is over $85,400 per year or much higher (about $160,000), making it a superbly rewarding career regarding remuneration and job satisfaction.

How to do CV screening

CV screening refers to narrowing the list of eligible applicants. You can use CV screen software or undertake a manual screen to complete the process. Manual screening is a far lengthier process, but it can be advantageous to do so given that not all pieces of screening software take the minor differences between CVs. Meanwhile, screening software smooths out the review procedure by pre-selecting the resumes with the most in-demand qualifications. Here are the steps you should take for CV screening:
  • Select resumes with the required credentials. For example, if you want your new hire to possess a particular accreditation, remove any CVs without that credential.
  • Select resumes with the desired skills. These skills generally assist the staff in fulfilling their job responsibilities and integrating into your corporate culture.
  • Select customized resumes for the job. These CVs show the candidates are dedicated and attentive to details.


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