June 2, 2022

"Green Mothers’ Club" Korean Drama: The Best Quotes

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Dong Seok

You know what I hate the most? Moms that push their dreams onto their kids. A kid is a kid, and I am me. (Eun Pyo)\

Chun Hui learnt things the hard way

People say not to force the kids and that studying is not everything. But if you teach them not to compete in a competitive society, who is going to take responsibility when they fall behind?

To be honest, I do not care about the trophy. I just thought it would be a good experience for the kids. (Jin Ha)

They love running around. Boys need to run around to let off all of that extra energy. (Yun Ju)

They say stress from moving is on par with stress from divorce. It must be harder for the kids to move to an unfamiliar neighborhood. (Chun Hui)

I am a mother and not a teacher. I despise the fact that the moms in this country are expected to fulfill the duties of both a teacher and a manager, all while neglecting to tend to their true missions as moms.(Yeong Mi)

All of our kids are equal and precious. Why do you insist on ranking the children against each other? (Jin Ha)

Raising a child means you have to be bold every step of the way. (Chun Hui)

If the mom is intimidated, the kids will be more intimidated. (Chun Hui)

my poor little angel

-  Dong Seok to Eun Pyo: They are both lying! They plotted all this and they are lying! You are mean! You are worse than everyone else! You do not believe me! You are worse than everyone else! You do not believe me!

- Jae Ung to Eun Pyo: Believing your child at times like this is what a parent should do. You do not have to be the one to make him feel ashamed.

Honestly, our society is abnormal and there is no reason we have to follow everyone. (Eun Pyo)

can adults befriend without motives?

Wherever we go, there is always going to be fierce competition. But a boy cannot run away all his life. (Jae Eung)

Why is the fact that I did not give up on my dreams seen as a crime against my family? All I wanted was to live my best life. (Eun Pyo)

- Eun Pyo: Yes. I have a miserable life. You might ask why I am so discontent when I have a husband and children. But… more than anything, for all of my life, all I wanted was to be a daughter that my mom could be proud of. So… I did everything I could to work towards that. Then I met Jin ha again. The one who makes me feel utterly pathetic. I wanted to know despite how much time had passed. I wanted to know why he dumped me. If being curious about that is enough to say I was having an affair, then so be it. But my broken pride kept telling me to do that. I am sorry.

- Jae Ung (Eun Pyo's husband aka the best husband of the year~): But you know what? You are still the most impressive thing I have ever laid my eyes on.

Do you think it is okay to ruin someone else’s cake just because you cannot have a bite? (Chun Hui)

In life, knowing the truth can be like poison sometimes. It can be better to live your life without knowing the whole story. (Chun Hui)

Now that I am older, I know I should not ask questions when people do not want to talk about it. (Eun Pyo)

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Images credit: Original authors


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