April 15, 2023

How to Say "Friends" in Korean: Understanding Its Power and Importance

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Having true friends in our lives can bring fulfillment, comfort, and joy. They are there to share our joys and sorrows, to support us through life's challenges, and to celebrate our successes. In the Korean language, the word for friend is "친구" (chingoo), and "friends" in Korean carry just as much power and importance as in any other language.

The value of friendship in Korean

friends in korean

It's hard to overstate the significance of friendship here. Culturally, Koreans place great importance on community and social norms, meaning having friends and socializing with them, is a vital part of life. One's social circle helps shape their identity and community, and it is seen as essential to their well-being.

"Friends" in Korean 

friends in korean

1. Categories of relationships

In Korean, friendship is not just a general term; it has various expressions used to classify different categories of relationships. For example, "어린이 친구" (eorini chingoo) means childhood friend; "고등학교 친구" (godeunghakgyo chingoo) means high school friend, and "대학 친구" (daehak chingoo) means college friend. These specific terms show the value of the length of the relationship and the shared experiences.

Moreover, the language of friendship extends beyond just words, but also in actions. For instance, in Korea, it is common for friends to give each other gifts, such as "여름 친구 선물" (yeoreum chingoo seonmul) meaning summer friend gift or "크리스마스 친구 선물" (keuriseumaseu chingoo seonmul) meaning Christmas friend gift. These gifts are not just viewed as physical tokens of affection, but also as a way to express gratitude and thoughtfulness.

From a business perspective, many Korean companies believe that social connections can be the key to success. They place importance on building relationships and trust with their clients and partners, leading to more business opportunities. Thus, maintaining strong friendships can lead to professional advancement and play a considerable role in professional life.

2. The Korean phrases 

Friends - 친구 (chingu)
We are best friends - 우리는 가장 친한 친구야 (uri-neun gajang chin-han chingu-ya)
I hope we will be friends - 우리 친구 될 수 있으면 좋겠어요 (uri chingu doel su isseumyeon jogesseoyo)
Greeting your friends - 안녕하세요 (annyeonghaseyo)
Goodnight friends - 잘 자요 친구들 (jal jayo chingudeul)
I want to learn Korean and make friends - 한국어 배우고 친구 사귀고 싶어요 (hangugeo baeugo chingu sagwigo sipeoyo)
I'm glad we are friends - 우리 친구여서 좋아요 (uri chinguyeoseo johayo)
Going to hang out with friends - 친구들 만날 거에요 (chingudeul mannal geoeyo)
My friends are really nice - 내 친구들은 진짜 좋아요 (nae chingudeureun jinjja johayo)
Close friends - 친한 친구 (chinhan chingu)
My friends are the best - 내 친구들이 최고에요 (nae chingudeuri choegoeoyo)
Meeting new friends - 새로운 친구들 만나기 (saeroun chingudeul mannagi)
  • A close friend who is a girl would call her older guy friends in Korean "Oppa" (오빠), which translates to "older brother" and is a common term of endearment for girls to use with older guys they are close to.
  • Female friends in Korean generally refer to each other as "Chingu" (친구), which translates to "friend".
  • Older guy friends may be called by their name or with the title "형" (hyeong) meaning older brother.
  • What do you call friends parents in Korean? When addressing a friend's parents in Korean, it is customary to use the honorific title of "sajangnim" (사장님) which means "Boss" or "Owner", as a sign of respect. If the parents are older, you may also use the title of "Ajossi" (아저씨) for a man or "Ajumma" (아줌마) for a woman, which translates to "uncle" and "aunt" respectively.

Final words

The concept of "friends" in Korean plays a significant role in defining one's identity, and social circles. It is not merely a term, but also a culture that is embraced in the country. No matter your age or status, having "친구" (chingoo) in Korea is essential to leading a fulfilling life, personally and professionally.


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