August 26, 2023

Best "Extraordinary Attorney Woo" Quotes: "Everything in Life is Political"

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My name is Woo Young-woo. Whether it’s read straight or flipped, it’s still Woo Young-woo. Kayak, deed, rotator, noon, racecar. Woo Young-woo. (Woo Young Woo) 

I have autism spectrum disorder. So for you, my speech and actions might seem inarticulate and awkward. But I love the law and my respect toward the defendant is no different from any other attorney. (Woo Young Woo)

I live in an unfamiliar ocean with unfamiliar belugas. Because everyone’s different from me, it’s not easy to adjust and there are lots of whales that hate me, too. But it’s okay. Because this is my life. Though my life is unusual and peculiar, it’s valuable and beautiful. (Woo Young Woo)
Best "Extraordinary Attorney Woo" Quotes

What if you think of it as dancing the waltz? It's easy to go through it if you get into a rhythm. Gong, cha, cha, gong cha, cha. (Junho to Young Woo)
Best "Extraordinary Attorney Woo" Quotes

We all want to love and be loved. It’s the same for people with intellectual disabilities, too. Rather, the desire is even greater. Because in most cases, it’s harder for them to get the attention or affection they want from others. (Psychiatrist) 

Even now, hundreds of people click the like button on a comment that says, ‘It is a national loss if a medical student dies, and an autistic person lives.’ That is the weight of this disability that we bear. (Woo Young Woo)

Just because one has autism does not mean they all have to get treatment. And I believe the phrase ‘autistic patient’ is inappropriate. (Psychiatrist)

Go home? What does that mean? Is it like having a life after work? The thing that only exists in fantasies and not in real life? (Suyeon)

For your colleague. For something you believe is right. Can’t you put down your tactics and politics for a bit and just be brave like a fool? (Attorney Choi to Attorney Kwon)

I think I’m going to try living like a fool. (Attorney Kwon)
Best "Extraordinary Attorney Woo" Quotes

What you see isn’t everything. Don’t be blinded by what you can see. Keep in mind the essence of what lies beyond that. (Buddhist Monk)
Best "Extraordinary Attorney Woo" Quotes: "Everything in Life is Political"

It really doesn’t take long for a person to show their true colors. (Ms. Sung)

You’re a 27-year-old adult. So you can make your own decisions. (Woo Young Woo)

If I have to be discouraged, I would like to face it and cope with it myself. Because I am an adult. (Woo Young Woo)

I thought I'd have more freedom until I hit about 30, you know? But my parents' health won't allow me that freedom. (Attorney Kwon)

If the definition of being close is having a specific topic to discuss when alone, then yes, we’re close. (Young Woo)
Best "Extraordinary Attorney Woo" Quotes

- Junho: My feelings toward you, Attorney Woo, are like the unrequited love toward a cat.
- Young Woo: The unrequited love toward a cat?
- Junho: Cats sometimes make their owners lonely. But they make them just as happy, too.

The expression ‘the unrequited love toward a cat’ is inappropriate. Because cats love their owners, too. So let’s not break up. (Woo Young Woo)
Best "Extraordinary Attorney Woo" Quotes
- Young Woo: Can I buy that chair in Korea?
- Junho: Do you really have to buy one? I’ll be one for you. Your personal hug chair.

Dates are like that. No meaning, no effiency. Foolish. (Junho)

With this person, I can’t start anything with the mindset that it won’t last. (Junho)

I like you so much that it feels like I’m sick inside. (Junho)

I think it would be better if you open up your mouth a bit more. And it would be better if you closed you eyes a bit more. 

(He taught her the right way to kiss when she asked him what to do 🤍 I’M NOT OVER YET Young Woo and Junho)

Best "Extraordinary Attorney Woo" Quotes
Best "Extraordinary Attorney Woo" Quotes
- Geura Mi: Why are you following me?
- Young Woo: When I’m with you, I’m safe.
- Geura Mi: What about me? What do I gain from hanging out with you?
- Young Woo: I’ll be your friend. You don’t have friends.
Best "Extraordinary Attorney Woo" Quotes
You're like the spring sunshine... You're a bright, warm, kind and sweet person. You're Spring Sunshine Su-yeon. (Young Woo to Suyeon)
Best "Extraordinary Attorney Woo" Quotes

In a life full of anxiety, it’ll be too late to find the only way to happiness. (Bang Gu Ppong)

Children have to play right now. Later is too late. It’s too late after getting into university, after getting a job, and after getting married. Playing with marbles, tag, Red Rover, double dutch. Later is too late. (Bang Gu Ppong)

Even if all they’re doing is looking up at the sky and snickering at the clouds floating by, as long as the child is smiling and is happy in that moment, that’s what playing really is. (Bang Gu Ppong)

Children who are only 10 and 11 years old cannot properly eat, sleep, rest, or play because they have to study for 12 hours everyday. And yet, you’re saying the enemies of the children of Korea aren’t schools, academies, and parents? (Woo Young Woo)

I see him in a positive light when I’ve only met him a couple of times. But as a mother, shouldn’t you do so even more? Shouldn’t you listen to him at least once with an open heart? (Woo Young Woo)

When you reach my age, children feel like your report card for life. As a father, I didn’t want to admit that Sang-hun was that unhappy. (Sang Hun’s father)

I can’t leave my father just to join my mother’s firm. Especially not when my mother gave birth to me but abandoned me and doesn’t recognize me at all, even now. (Woo Young Woo)
- Young Woo's mother: Do you resent me for what I've done?
- Young Woo: It was nice when we looked at the tree together on top of the hill in Sodeok-dong. I wanted to meet you at least once. It was nice to meet you.

Whales are intelligent. She knows that she will also be killed if she doesn’t abandon her baby. But she never does. If I were a whale, would my mom not have abandoned me? (Young Woo)

It’s a typical father’s dream to walk his daughter down the aisle. (Young Woo’s father)
Best "Extraordinary Attorney Woo" Quotes 

Attorneys are human. They’re different from judges and prosecutors. We all work in the legal field, but while judges and prosecutors work to protect the law, attorneys work to protect the people. (Attorney Ryu)

Colleagues are supposed to learn from each other. To grow. (Attorney Jung)

Have you ever heard that we know more about the dark side of the moon than we do about the deep sea? (Woo Young Woo)
Sometimes small cases become big cases and can even become new cases. (Attorney Jung)

Best "Extraordinary Attorney Woo" Quotes
Best "Extraordinary Attorney Woo" Quotes

Utimately, securing evidence is also the key to said cases. If there’s no evidence, it’ll turn into a psychological battle. Like appealing to the judge’s emotions about who is more pitiful. (Suyeon)

Come up with a way to solve this politically and less romantically. It may not seem like much but sometimes things like this work. (CEO Han)

We should be political and less romantic. (Suyeon)

I’ve realized through experience that everything in life is political and that every decision has a political reason behind it. (Young Woo’s father)

If you want good grades, study. If you want to lose weight, exercise. If you want to communicate, make an effort. (Young Woo’s father)

Methods are always obvious. What’s hard is accomplishing them.(Young Woo’s father)


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