August 15, 2023

Best "Taxi Driver" Kdrama Quotes: Living Well is Revenge

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You can’t bring yourself to jump, so why do you push people off? (Doki)

Only those who have been through the pain you’re going through know what it’s like. Those who never had to suffer don’t even care. (Mr. Jang)

Every choice we make comes with a price. (Mr. Jang)

A choice comes with responsibilities. (Doki)
taxi driver kdrama quotes

We aren’t little kids. Let’s each take responsibility for what we did. (Goeun)  
taxi driver kdrama quotes

Do you know why your mother passed away? Because of that crazy murderer? No. It’s because this society cultivated a monster like him with cheap mercy. (Mr. Jang)

In this case, the victim and the perpetrators are all minors. However, their youth does not make the weight of their crimes any lighter. (Mr. Jang)

Whenever you feel you can’t understand why this is happening and get so angry that you want to cry, just think about all the kids that you bullied. That’s exactly how you made them feel. (Doki)
taxi driver kdrama quotes

To some, this could be a trivial story from their school days, but for others, it may be a matter of life or death. (Mr. Jang) 

When drums beat, laws are silent. In a reality where the law is far and power is close, asking a victim who’s in trouble to wait until the law comes to resolve their problem lacks logic. (Prosecutor Kang)

I won’t succumb to evil and use my own methods to win. I’ll collect all the garbage around us and quarantine them from the rest of the world forever. I’m going to reform them. (Mr. Jang)
- Prosecutor Kang: That’s because we don’t want anyone to be wrongfully accused. Even if that means letting go of 100 criminals.
- Doki: Then what about those who got hurt by those 100 criminals?
- Prosecutor Kang: If the world is full of people like you, it would become a lawless world.
- Doki: Isn’t it already a lawless world? That’s why there are people like me.
- Mr. Wang: I like the law. Especially, innocent until proven guilty. Even if we lose 100 guilty criminals, we must not punish a single innocent person.
- Prosecutor Kang: Why do you like that?
- Mr. Wang: Because it’s humane.

I know that the law isn’t perfect. Thank you for protecting those we’d missed because of those loopholes. (Prosecutor Kang)

We lost our families to crimes. Do you know what that means? It means we must live the rest of our lives trapped inside the flames of rage. (Mr. Jang)

People who lose a family member live their life with a bomb inside of their hearts. (Mr. Jang)

Life would’ve been easier if our fathers had been around. (Dong Chan / Hyun Soo)

The emptiness hits harder on good days. (Goeun)

Now they say that I’m not the killer. But apparently, they can’t punish anyone for it. Not the detective who tortured me to get a fake confession, the prosecutor who ignored everything I said, or even the real killer they just found. Who will compensate me for the years that I lost? (Mr. Kim)
taxi driver kdrama quotes

Isn’t life ironic? The real culprit shows up the moment you gave up on getting your revenge. (Mr. Jang)

Your revenge doesn’t end with ruining the life of your enemy. When you live your life all on your own as yourself, that’s when revenge is completed. (Mr. Jang)

Some of you are going back to where you came from. Some are embarking on a new journey. And some are leaving. But I hope all of you will find happiness and peace wherever you are. (Mr. Jang)
taxi driver kdrama quotes

I hope that each painful payment you make will only make you stronger. (Doki)

She had no choice but to hide herself, but she’s putting up a fight against herself to come out again. Let’s trust her and wait. (Mr. Jang)

You see, people like us can’t give up on life just because we want to. Do you know why? Because of our beloved families. (Mr. Jang)

When I’m holding your hand, nothing feels heavy. Because you lift me up, my son. (Jungmin’s mom)

We have to share what’s in our hearts in order to overcome this. Let us remember to be a support for one another. (Counselor)

If you want to stay here for a long time, you cannot be broken. Bamboo trees are too upright, so it breaks with a gust of wind. But no matter how windy it is, the grass always gets back up. You could act upright like the bamboo, but you need to get back up like the grass. (Mr. Wang)

5283 starting service now.

(Ye Jin-ssi said she always felt a thrill whenever driver Doki "5283 starting service now (잠든 꿈을 찾아)," as he came up the lift. That was the line that stuck with her the most. She wished she could hear it again and again.~~)

Ye Jin ya, let's meet Doki-ssi on season 2 :): Best "Taxi Driver 2" Quotes: Greed Imprisons the Soul


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