September 28, 2023

Unforgettable "Soulmate" Korean Movie Quotes That Touched My Heart

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Unforgettable "Soulmate" Korean Movie Quotes That Touched My Heart

"Soulmate" is a story of growing up and finding love with her best friend, whom she met when she was 13 years old and stayed close with for 14 years. It is based on the short story “Qi Yue and An Sheng” by Annie Baby.

This is just a typical movie about friendship, right? Think again. This Korean movie will tug at your heartstrings and tear you up with all the emotions.🥺 I sobbed while watching it. It was the first time a movie made me cry that much~ What an experience!

Main cast

Unforgettable "Soulmate" Korean Movie Quotes That Touched My Heart
  • Ahn Mi-so is Kim Da-mi’s role. She's Ha-eun’s childhood friend.
  • Go Ha-eun is Jeon So-nee’s role. She's Mi-so’s childhood friend.
  • Hum Jin-woo is Byeon Woo-seok’s role. He's Ha-eun’s crush.

Best "Soulmate" Korean movie quotes

Pain is temporary, and pleasure is permanent. (Mi-So)
Unfortgetable "Soulmate" Korean Movie Quotes
Feelings? You drew that too? That’s when I first realized feelings can be drawn too. (Ha-Eun)

 I’d like to draw your face now. A drawing that can’t be drawn without love. (Mi-So)

I want to live like crazy for 10 years and die at 27. (Mi-So)

To like someone, you gotta be courageous. I’m working up the courage to say this. (Ha-Eun)
Unfortgetable "Soulmate" Korean Movie Quotes

It felt weird seeing your back as you took off. I realized that I don’t remember seeing your back. Because you were always beside me. (Ha-Eun)

Do you know why every face is different? So that they can all live different lives... There is no set way of life. Live the way you want to. (Ha-Eun's mom) 
Unfortgetable "Soulmate" Korean Movie Quotes

I realized something while traveling. We'll live different lives now. You'll be like the old me. I'll be like the old you. (Ha-Eun)
Unfortgetable "Soulmate" Korean Movie Quotes
Mi-So had a dream of seeing the world and leaving it at 27, but it was Ha-Eun who lived that dream and died at that age. I was shattered by this twist of fate. But on the other hand, it seemed that the first timeline we saw, where Ha-Eun traveled the world, was just Mi-So’s imagination. Either way, I wished they could have grown old together and raised Ha-Eun’s child.

You told me a passage from a book you read. You said the sun can shine brightly because of the shadow. Even though they can’t become one. The shadow is always there in the distance. So the sun was never lonely and is able to shine. (Ha-Eun)
Unforgettable "Soulmate" Korean Movie Quotes That Touched My Heart

Unforgettable "Soulmate" Korean Movie Quotes That Touched My Heart
They finish the sketch as a team like they are each other’s perfect match~

I'm the only one who truely loved you. (Ha-Eun to Mi-So)
Unforgettable "Soulmate" Korean Movie Quotes That Touched My Heart
I don't feel good. I want to go home. 
Unforgettable "Soulmate" Korean Movie Quotes That Touched My Heart
Home is not just a place, but a person too ~


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