November 12, 2023

Don’t be fooled! This is a chewy dried radish dish!

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This dish is a must-have for any Korean meal, and it uses radish greens as a special ingredient! What does radish taste like? Follow this easy recipe and enjoy yourself~

Don’t be fooled! This is a chewy dried radish dish!
Don’t be fooled! This is a chewy dried radish dish!
Don’t be fooled! This is a chewy dried radish dish!

Main Ingredients: Dried radish (150g), radish greens (150g), water (5 cups/1L), ginger (35g) 

Seasoning Ingredients: Gochujang (2T), sugar (1/2T), anchovy sauce (1T), soy sauce (1T), minced garlic (2T), red pepper powder (3T), corn syrup (3T), cooking wine (4T), sesame oil (2T), chopped green onion (5T)

Cooking Procedure for This Dried Radish Dish

  1. Wash the dried radish (150g) and soak it in water for about 10 minutes.
  2. Peel and chop the ginger (35g), then add it to a blender with water (4 cups/800ml) and blend until smooth.
  3. Pour the ginger water through a cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Soak the radish in the ginger water for about 30 minutes.
  4. Drain the radish and squeeze out the excess water.
  5. Cut the radish greens (150g) into bite-sized pieces.
  6. In a bowl, combine the gochujang (2T), sugar (1/2T), anchovy sauce (1T), soy sauce (1T), minced garlic (2T), red pepper powder (3T), corn syrup (3T), cooking wine (4T), sesame oil (2T), and chopped green onion (5T) and mix well to make the sauce.
  7. Add half of the sauce to the radish and toss to coat. Add the radish greens and the remaining sauce and mix well.
  8. Transfer the radish mixture to a serving plate and enjoy!

This recipe is from Mr. Jeon Jeon-joo, a former professor at Incheon College of Arts and Arts.

(Source: EBS)


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