November 30, 2023

Forget Pizza, Try Vietnamese Crepes Instead: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Enjoy the delicious Vietnamese crepes, which are known as pizza in this country~ They are filled with ham, cheese, and ketchup, and you can’t miss their amazing flavor! Furthermore, this dish has some good sources of protein, low gluten, and provides some vitamin C, sodium, and capsaicin.
Forget Pizza, Try Vietnamese Crepes Instead: A Step-by-Step Guide
Forget Pizza, Try Vietnamese Crepes Instead: A Step-by-Step Guide
Forget Pizza, Try Vietnamese Crepes Instead: A Step-by-Step Guide

Main ingredients: smoked ham (70g), egg (1 piece), rice paper (1 piece), butter (20g), chopped green onion (2T), mayonnaise (15g), cooking oil (a little), garlic flakes (10g), mozzarella cheese (50g), ketchup (15g)

■ Vietnamese Crepes Cooking procedure

1. Cut the smoked ham (70g) into bite-sized pieces.

2. Heat a little oil in a hot pan and place one sheet of rice paper on it. Brush some butter (20g) on the rice paper.

3. Crack an egg (1 egg) on top of the rice paper and spread it evenly.

✔ Tip: Use thick rice paper for better results.

4. Add the smoked ham, chopped green onion (2T), garlic flakes (10g), and mozzarella cheese (50g) on top of the egg. Cook over low heat until the cheese melts and the rice paper is crispy.

✔ Tip: Cook slowly and carefully to avoid burning the bottom and to melt the cheese well.

5. Drizzle some ketchup (15g) and mayonnaise (15g) over the cheese and fold the rice paper in half.

6. Cut the Vietnamese crepes into two pieces and serve hot.

This is the recipe of Chef Kim Young-joon, a Korean chef.

(Source: EBS)


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