November 5, 2023

How to Squeeze Every Drop of Joy from Your Limited Time

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How to Squeeze Every Drop of Joy from Your Limited Time

"Absolute time" doesn't exist. Time seems to drag on when we are waiting for something, and fly by when we are having fun.

The time we experience is different from the time we measure.

What causes this discrepancy? And how can I make the most of my time?

Stephan Klein, a renowned science writer and the author of Hello, It's Time, explains that there are three dimensions of time. There is physical time, which is based on natural phenomena. There is body time, which is how our biological clocks work. And there is inner time, which is how our consciousness perceives time.

We have a clock on our smartphone, on our body, and on our mind.

The only thing we can change is our inner time. Stephan Klein emphasizes that "our sense of time depends on how our brain evaluates time."

One of the main factors that affect our sense of time is attention. Time perception is a cognitive skill. Therefore, we can control whether time feels long or short.

You understand the importance of manipulating time, but you don't know how to do it? Here it is!

How to Make Time Longer: Focus on the Present

If we aren't attentive, we might miss a "quality moment." So, break this "bad habit." The first way to use time wisely is to focus on the present.

"The more we value a moment, the more we want to feel it intensely. Therefore, we open our senses and memory fully. The more we pay attention to the moment, the more it affects us. This is because the brain infers the length of time from the amount of information." _p74

Focusing on the present can bring two major benefits to our lives.

1. Our sense of time changes.

2. Our mood improves.

First, we can live our time more richly by being mindful of our lives. This is the opposite of the "television paradox" time, which is busy but not memorable.

Second, we can avoid false stimuli and enter a state of true inspiration.

"A person who lives in the present can perceive and enjoy the moments that make up life in more detail." _p109

How to Use Time Wisely: Immersing Yourself

There is an experiment that showed how easily people get distracted when they read a book. Leonard Giambra, an American psychologist, asked his subjects to read Tolstoy's novel War and Peace.

Then, he made a 'beep-' sound at random intervals. If the subjects were 'distracted', they had to press a button. People said they pressed the button 40 times on average in 30 minutes.

What were they thinking about? Most of them were thoughts like, "What should I eat today?", "How should I decorate the living room for the Christmas party?", and "What should I snack on?"

This habit is a common problem of humanity and is related to the nature of time.

The Roman philosopher Seneca advised in his Moral Letter in 62 A.D. that "we should keep a log of time and regulate the time that escapes."

Routines to avoid distractions

Author Stephan Klein emphasizes that keeping a time log is not enough. It requires a conscious effort, and he suggests:

1. Make a list of things to do

2. Break down the task into detailed steps

3. As soon as an irrelevant thought comes to mind, write it down and return to the original task

The third tip is crucial. By taking a specific action as soon as we get lost in our thoughts, we can form a habit of turning our attention back to the original task. And we can deal with all these thoughts later.

Helpful questions to help us prioritize our tasks.

"Do I have to do A now?" I would like to add another question. "Am I willing to accept the consequences of postponing this?"

Don't stop at the first question. The second question is key. It is a question that goes back to the priorities. The second question can help you sort out your priorities and give you a sense of agency over the situation.

"When you have a clear goal in mind, you can overcome obstacles faster and more effectively. The speed of work depends on how focused you are, and focus depends on motivation." _p233

The phrase 'time is equal for everyone' is no longer taken for granted.

I realized that I didn't have the chance to live my time fully. It's a chance that only comes to those who are trying to use time wisely and enrich their lives.



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