November 18, 2023

These Quotes from "My Dearest" Drama are the Ultimate Expression of Love

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These Quotes from "My Dearest" Drama are the Ultimate Expression of Love

In "My Dearest," Gil Chae’s love helped Jang Hyun regain the natural human emotions that he had lost after his sister’s tragedy. They both became the best versions of themselves through their love for each other. ❤️

Most heart-melting quotes from "My Dearest" drama

That woman [Gil Chae] is my hometown. Now, I just want to go back to my hometown and rest peacefully. (Jang Hyun)

My lady, I'm proud of you... You're more trustworthy than a bunch of small-boned scholars. (Lee Jang-hyun to Gil-chae)
These Quotes from "My Dearest" Drama are the Ultimate Expression of Love

The King fled, abandoning his people. Why should the people save him? (Lee Jang-hyun)

Your Highness, do you really believe that those people should have avoided humiliation by dying? If that is what you really think, you may strike me this instant. (Lee Jang-hyun)

Are you going to say your body is trash if you get bitten by a dog? If a lunatic punches you, will that spot become dirty? (Lee Jang-hyun)

Now you will cross my mind whenever the moon is bright. I swear by the moonlight. This time, wherever you are, I will make sure... I find you  
These Quotes from "My Dearest" Drama are the Ultimate Expression of Love

- Did you ever hate me?
- The day you left me for good, I resented you so much that I stared at you for awhile. However, no matter how long I looked, I could never feel hatred toward you. Instead, I hated myself. How cold of you. Did you even imagine how I must have felt?
- I could not imagine it. I just knew that my heart was being torn into a thousand pieces and could only hope that you would not feel the way I did.
These Quotes from "My Dearest" Drama are the Ultimate Expression of Love

I have always wanted to hold this hand.

When I toss and turn before falling asleep it feels like i dream of you. When I wake up from a light nap, Yoo Gilchae, your name lingers. Do you know the feeling of falling asleep and waking up all wrapped up in thoughts of you? (Jang Hyun)

I will stay by your side. Even if you push me away, I will stay right here.

Let me engrave a heartfelt message here. Instead of something cliché, I’ll do it myself. Will you marry me? I will make you the happiest man in the world. (Gil Chae proposing to Jang Hyun)
These Quotes from "My Dearest" Drama are the Ultimate Expression of Love

For me, you are enough for me, Madam. Poor Gilchae, rich Gilchae, cheeky Gilchae, gentle Gilchae. Gilchae, who does not love me. Gilchae, who loves me. However you are, all I need is Gilchae. (Jang Hyun❤️)

I want to go see the spring flowers with the person I love. I want to put my foot in the river with him in the summer and drink the wine we made in the fall in the winter. I want to grow up with people I love. (Gilchae)
These Quotes from "My Dearest" Drama are the Ultimate Expression of Love
These Quotes from "My Dearest" Drama are the Ultimate Expression of Love
These Quotes from "My Dearest" Drama are the Ultimate Expression of Love

Let’s go to neunggun-ri. now, let’s dig in there like a pile of rocks and grass. in a trivial and ordinary way, just the two of us.  (Jang Hyun)

These Quotes from "My Dearest" Drama are the Ultimate Expression of Love


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