November 7, 2023

Much Needed Quotes from "Castaway Diva" Drama for Worrywarts & More

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I enjoy "Castaway Diva" drama. It has beautiful songs that touch my heart. Sometimes I think I love the scenes because they make me feel alive in this dull world. They remind me of the dreams and ambitions I had when I was young. Growing up, I faced harsh realities that could become a boring adult.

"Twinkling Watermelon" and this drama are my favorites right now. I think they are meant to heal our souls that have been wounded by the pandemic. I wish there were more dramas with soulful songs, scenes, and lines that make ordinary life more meaningful, instead of dramas that are full of revenge, betrayal, and violence. 

Also, I think Mokha’s experience on the island was both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, she learned how lonely and dangerous it is to be isolated, and she learned to appreciate the people who care for her. On the other hand, she was shielded from the harsh truths of the world and kept her innocence and courage. That innocence is precious, and once we lose it, we can’t get it back. 

Amazing Castaway Diva drama quotes

Much Need Quotes from "Castaway Diva" Drama for Worrywarts & More

My mom told me if you wish for something with all your heart, one way or another, it’ll come true one day. And it’ll happen in an unexpected way. (Jung Kiho)

In my eyes, you seemed to lack a lot. You lacked maturity, manners, and thought. You also lacked worries, gloominess, concerns, or reasons to cry. So whenever I looked at you, I was annoyed. (Jung Kiho)
Much Need Quotes from "Castaway Diva" Drama for Worrywarts & More

If you keep worrying about the future, then you’ll end up with just as many regrets down the road... From now on, I’m going to do whatever I want in that moment. (Seo Mokha)
Much Need Quotes from "Castaway Diva" Drama for Worrywarts & More
Much Need Quotes from "Castaway Diva" Drama for Worrywarts & MoreMuch Need Quotes from "Castaway Diva" Drama for Worrywarts & More

I don’t know what the future holds. But one thing I know for sure is that I will never regret this moment. (Seo Mokha)

I wanted to thank you for being alive. (Bogeol to Mokha)

The 15 years that seemed so futile finally found meaning. (Seo Mokha)
Much Need Quotes from "Castaway Diva" Drama for Worrywarts & More

No one else is to blame for my sad fate. It was my choice, so I’ll deal with it! (Seo Mokha)

Have you heard of the term ‘truth bomb’? They coined it while I was stranded. It means to attack someone with the truth. (Seo Mokha)

Swearing or shouting at someone doesn’t bring them down. It’s stating the facts. The truth. I can’t even argue since they are right. I have no choice but to just take it. (Seo Mokha)
Much Need Quotes from "Castaway Diva" Drama for Worrywarts & More
Much Need Quotes from "Castaway Diva" Drama for Worrywarts & More
Much Need Quotes from "Castaway Diva" Drama for Worrywarts & More
Many people can relate to this scene, as they struggle to pursue their dreams in the ocean of time. Only a few can make it through this 😭

I was thinking of ending everything. Then you came into my life. It was perfect timing. You were my cooler box. (Yoon Ranjoo)

I’ve withered, but I’ll act like a blooming flower, because today is April Fools’ Day. (Yoon Ranjoo)

President Lee is like a horse chestnut. You know what they are, right? They’re pretty but poisonous. (Seo Mokha)

When you’re very desperate, you become a total fool. (Seo Mokha)

If only one fan of yours remain on earth it'll be me and if you dont have any fans left, it means I'm long dead and gone. (Seo Mokha to Yoon Ranjoo) 

 I’m amazed they used a line from a fan tweet 🤣 

Much Need Quotes from "Castaway Diva" Drama for Worrywarts & More
No one is cowardly or deceitful because they want to be. We all become desperate and make choices for our own reasons. (Park Yong Gwan)

In life, it feels like the world mistreats you. And you take your anger out on the wrong person. (Old woman)

We easily root for strangers. But we become realistic when they become close to us. (Ms. Song)

Relationships often change depending on the curcumstances. We couldn’t share the same path in the past. But now, things have changed. (President Lee)

How long can a secret remain a secret? If we cover the secret under layers of lies, can we keep the secret from surfacing? (Mokha)

Why do you keep changing your tune? Whether it’s ignoring or comforting, just stick to one. Stop confusing me. (Mokha to Bogeol)

Running away isn’t always the best option. So I just caught it. (Mokha)

Doesn’t everything in life have a fifty-fifty chance? Either it happens or it doesn’t. (Bogeol)

Instead of a so-so singer, become an incredibly famous one...not just any singer but one whose songs are played everywhere,a singer whose first autograph is put up for auction and whose songs change the world. That kind of singer. (Bogeol to Mokha)

A lie is a lie. If you keep it up, your weakness will grow and you’ll have to stay silent. And eventually it’ll be out of control. (Bogeol)

No I still feel the same [toward Mokha]. If not, it's gonna be weird. What kind of crazy man looking for someone for 15 years if I have no feeling on them? (Bogeol)

(What a unique, unhesitating, casual, and honest confession, Bogeol ya! :))

Much Needed Quotes from "Castaway Diva" Drama for Worrywarts & More

Praying won’t bring miracles. An oncoming typhoon will still hit despite your prayers. But you still pray because you need that resolve. (Mokha)

Interest is short-lived. The fire will soon die out if you don’t add firewood. (President Lee)

Never is a word that doesn’t exist. You’ll run away again due to unavoidable circumstances. And you’ll apologize to me again. (Yoon Ranjoo to Mokha)

Do you know what my biggest fear was? The typhoons. Especially the ones that lingered in the ocean the longest. They feed off the ocean and grow into humongous typhoons. Those typhoons don’t just shake the trees. They’re powerful enough to uproot them. (Mokha)

Just like how those typhoons grow by feeding off the ocean, misunderstandings grow by feeding off time. (Mokha)
- Mokha: Don’t ruin yourself with something like that.
- Bogeol: Okay I’ll never do it. 
If she [Mokha] continues to put others before herself, she’ll end up like you. (Ranjoo)

No matter how safe it seems, always look before you leap. (Ranjoo)

How can I trust you when you can’t even trust yourself? No. No one in this world would be able to trust you. (Ranjoo)

They say failure is the mother of success. I’ll just take it as learning a lesson from another mother and move on. (Mokha)

Let the failure of others become a lesson to you. Learn what you can and ignore the rest. (Ranjoo)

I’ll probably regret it a little. But I’d regret it even more if I never even try. At least for ten years, I’d be doing what I love the most. (Mokha)

Instead of 100%, just give it 99%. Save that 1%. Or it’ll be stifling. (Bogeol)

If you feel like you’ve hit a wall and can barely keep your head above water, then come to the rooftop, and it’ll be vacant for you. (Bogeol)

Let’s become the best at all costs. (Mokha)

It was all or nothing. Do or die. I made up my mind and jumped into the water. And then, before you know it, you’ll learn how to swim and you might be able to catch a ton of fish. (Mokha)

In life, you’ll learn that some people become happy over other people’s misfortunes. You’ll learn that many become jealous of other people’s success. That’s because when their lives become pathetic, they refuse to blame themselves. That’s why they blame it on others and want to bring them down. Because that’s easier... It's extremely difficult to sincerely root for other people. Mokha, that’s the reason why you’re incredible. (Ranjoo)

One person is lying to protect his children, while the other is lying to punish them. Then, which one do you think is the real father? (Prosecutor)

I guess it’s true that givers create takers. (Ranjoo)
- Ranjoo to her mom: You were the one who was the giver. And I was the taker.
- Ranjoo’s mom: Why are you a taker? You’re a gift.

Why ruin the moment with something that hasn’t even happened? (Mr. Kang)

In the past, the word father to Kiho was a nightmare. But you helped him learn the true meaning of that word.. (Mrs. Song)

I was an orphan, so I was alone my entire life. But you’ve given me three family members. So I’m the one who’s grateful...You may have enjoyed such happy moments had you been wiser...I’m grateful that my best revenge against you is my family’s happiness. (Mr. Kang)

When we almost lost dad, I realized not expressing your feelings can be the biggest regret in life. (Woo-hak/Lee Chaeho)

I went to the station every week, joined the AL and spent 10 years cleaning remote island in search of Mokha. You found her that day because you followed me. It wasn't a coincidence but it was fate. (Kiho to Woo-hak/Chaeho)

You tried so hard. So how could it have been a coincidence? It was fate. (Mokha to Kiho)

By replacing those answerless questions with other things to fill up the time, I survived one day after another...If you continue to fill up your time in that way, then don’t you think, one way or another, it’ll happen one day? (Mokha)

Having gone through it now, I learned wishes don’t always come true right away. They don’t come true when you want them to. They take a long time. You forget about them, then suddenly, they come true...Stay strong, endure it, and hang in there. Then one day, your wishes will come true in unexpected ways. (Mokha)

What is Castaway Diva about? 

A young girl named Seo Mok-Ha (Park Eun-Bin) lived on an island with a bright and positive spirit. She wanted to be a singer and went to Seoul for an audition. But she ended up on a deserted island and was stuck there for 15 years. Mok-Ha was finally rescued from the island and came back to a world that had changed a lot. She still kept her cheerful attitude and her dream of becoming a diva.

The main cast

Much Need Quotes from "Castaway Diva" Drama for Worrywarts & More

  • Seo Mok-ha (Park Eun-bin): A girl who dreams of auditioning to become a diva. She was stranded on a deserted island for 15 years and came back to an unfamiliar world.
  • Yoon Ran-joo (Kim Hyo-jin): A beautiful and famous diva that Mok-ha admires. 
  • Kang Bo-geol (Chae Jong-hyeop): A producer of YGN’s entertainment department. He is the younger brother of Woo-hak.
  • Kang Woo-hak (Cha Hak-yeon): A news reporter of YGN. He is the older brother of Bo-geol. 


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