November 8, 2023

9 signs of inflammation in your body

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Signs of inflammation in the body

The first sign: Pain

Pain can have many causes, but sometimes it is due to inflammation. You may have headaches that doctors say are caused by tension or stress, but they could be from inflammation. You may also feel mucus, tiredness, and other symptoms.

The second sign: Allergy

If you suddenly develop allergies that you didn’t have before, it could be a sign of inflammation. When I gained a lot of weight, I had various allergic reactions and skin problems. I also suffered from hay fever and had to take antihistamines all the time.

The third sign: Acne

This is not the usual kind of acne that adults get. It is more like swelling and painful rashes that appear on different parts of the body, such as the buttocks and arms. You may also feel itching or crawling sensations. This means that the inflammation level in your body is high. I experienced this too.

The fourth sign: Gum disease and gingivitis

Inflammation tends to attack the weak parts of your body. When your body has too much inflammation, you may notice that your gums, throat, and tonsils get swollen often. You may also have bad breath after flossing or using a waterpik. I have early signs of gum disease too.

The fifth sign: Sleep disorder

If you have trouble sleeping, it could be because of inflammation in your body. This may happen when you can’t control the inflammation. For example, when I was exposed to a lot of pollen and my immune system was low, my mucous membranes went crazy. I had post-nasal drip and breathing problems. I slept less than 5 hours for more than 10 days. It was very hard.

The sixth sign: Low libido and PMS

PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome. When you are under chronic stress, your adrenal glands get tired from producing cortisol, which is an anti-inflammatory hormone. When you run out of cortisol, you can’t fight the inflammation in your body. This leads to chronic inflammation. You may also lose interest in sex.

The seventh sign: Dizziness

This is also related to the adrenal fatigue that I mentioned before.

The eighth sign: Insulin resistance

Insulin resistance means that your cells don’t respond well to insulin, which is a hormone that regulates blood sugar. When you have insulin resistance, your blood sugar goes up and your risk of diabetes goes up too. Insulin resistance also causes more inflammation in your body.

The ninth sign: Autoimmune disease

Autoimmune diseases are when your immune system attacks your own body. They can range from mild diseases like shingles to severe diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. They are caused by high levels of inflammation in your body. I had shingles myself and it felt like I was on fire. I had blisters and pain all over my back. It was not minor at all.

How to deal with it

People who have belly fat and diabetes should be especially careful. They should reduce their intake of carbohydrates and exercise to lose visceral fat. They should also reduce stress by doing things they enjoy. As a supplement, they should take supplements to reduce inflammation in the body regularly (especially omega-3).

If your symptoms are severe, you should go to the hospital and get tested. You should measure your inflammation level and take steps to lower it. Even if you have been careless so far, you can do better from now on.


I think I’m stressed out, because when my inflammation level went up, I had stomach aches for no reason, diarrhea all the time, and insomnia. I went to the hospital and they said my inflammation level was very high and I had to control it. I had to take some time off work.

- That’s terrible. I have canker sores and laryngitis right now.

- I can relate. Sometimes I feel like my inflammation level is high because I get pimples everywhere.

- I have a low fever almost every day. I exercise, eat healthy, and take omega-3, but it doesn’t help much.

- I went to the hospital too, and they gave me some medicine to lower my inflammation level. They said it was toxic and I shouldn’t take it for too long. It worked, and my skin got better. But it made my skin very dry. I don’t know if that happens to everyone. Now I try to sleep earlier, exercise moderately, and avoid stress. I also had diarrhea and malnutrition.

- Who should I see for inflammation? I have muscle pain for no reason, but the clinic couldn’t fix it.

- You should see a rheumatologist and get tested.

- I have alopecia areata from stress. I only saw a dermatologist, but should I see an internist too?

- If your inflammation level is very high, you need to take medicine. If it gets worse, you might need to be hospitalized. You might also need to do blood tests and urine tests regularly.

- You have to go to the hospital! I had a stomach ache and went to the internal medicine clinic. They said that if I leave my inflammation level high for too long, it can cause serious diseases. It is the source of all diseases, so you have to manage it well.

- The more stress you have, the more diseases you get. Stress raises your inflammation level, right?

- I have migraines of unknown cause. What kind of tests should I do for this?

+ Reply: You should see a neurologist and do a neurological exam and an MRA.

- No matter how much I eat well and exercise, they don’t help.

(Source: theqoo)


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