November 17, 2023

You know you're getting older when you have less lips...

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You know you're getting older when:

How aging affects your lips: They get smaller

Did you know that your lips can change a lot as you get older? It's not just about getting wrinkles. Your lip area can shrink by up to a third or a half because of aging.

You know you're getting older when you have less lips...
You know you're getting older when you have less lips...

You know you're getting older when you have less lips...


- No way, this can't be true

- This makes me sad, why does this happen?

- I already have thin lips, what will I do?

- My lips are naturally thin, they disappear when I drink coffee

- When will my lips start to shrink? People always tell me how thick my lips are

- My lips were thin when I was a kid, and now they are even thinner. I can't wait to get older (sarcastic)

- Yeah, my mom's lips are getting thinner too. It breaks my heart

- I used to be insecure about my thick lips, but now I'm okay with them

- Wow, this is shocking

- I've always hated my thin lips


You know you're getting older when you have itchy skin

Your body starts to itch -> You feel a tingling sensation on your skin

It was oily -> It became less greasy -> It lost some of its slickness

It was dry -> it got even drier -> It became more parched


- I used to have very oily skin, but it has improved a lot

- Now, only my T zone is oily, while the rest of my skin is very dry

- Seriously, I have to apply body oil all the time these days

- I actually got more oily as I got older. I don't get why this is happening to me. Is this supposed to be a good thing?

- I'm in my 30s and my skin is still so oily, especially in the summer. It's crazy. I only use body oil for the smell

- My skin is still oily, but not as much as before

- I had very oily skin in the past. Now, I still have oily skin

- My skin is so itchy that I scratch myself until I bleed. Body lotion doesn't help at all

- Vaseline, I love you!!!

- It's really getting too itchy



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