December 26, 2023

Impactful "Gyeongseong Creature" Quotes

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Impactful "Gyeongseong Creature" Quotes

You will be amazed by how terrifying, brutal, and repulsive it is. "Gyeongseong Creature" is a treat for thriller fans.

Number of episodes: 7

Best quotes from "Gyeongseong Creature" Korean drama

Impactful "Gyeongseong Creature" Quotes

Don't be quick to judge someone. (Joong Won)

It’s always darkest before the dawn. (Tae Sang)

They say that one should avoid bad company for their own good. (Mrs. Nawol)

There's no need to cry. You'll soon get used to it, just like everyone else. That's what humans are like. Quickly get used to anything. Whether it's suffering or disappointment. (Sung Sim)

Your vain words will lead you to die in vain. (Chae Ok)

Don't die on a whim. When it's your time to die, then die. (Chae Ok)

To die so recklessly means to lose against them. (Tae Sang)

Don’t obsess over the meaningless. (Ju Taek)

What could possibly be more important than your own life? (Mrs. Nawol)

Don’t waste your life. This time will come when your death counts. (Chae Ok)

Just when you think the cherry blossoms have bloomed splendidly, they begin to fall. (Mrs. Nawol) 
Impactful "Gyeongseong Creature" Quotes

Nothing scares me. Nothing can stop me. I’m the master of Golden Treasure, and I can get anything I want. The one and only Jang Tae Sang. (Tae Sang)

Those who consider themselves to be flawless let their guard down more easily. (Lady Maeda)

I was born trash, and I’ve lived a trashy and desperate life to get here. (Tae Sang)

I’m just a man who is determined to survive. (Tae Sang)

The last words my mother spoke to me were, ‘You must stay alive.’ She told me to survive no matter what happens. (Tae Sang)

All I want in these turbulent times is to strive as stubbornly as I can to stay alive and safe day after day. (Tae Sang)

They say that human lives are so common and trivial, yet it scares me to think about losing mine. (Tae Sang)

Be careful with your mouth. Your mouth is your tiger. (Chae Ok)

You might be able to humiliate me with your strength. But that doesn't mean you won. (Chae Ok)

More like bravery. I wasn’t being reckless, just confident that I could win. (Tae Sang) 

It's fine if you insult me but don’t insult my money... I may have worked like a dog to earn it, but it means something to me. (Tae Sang)

I work like a horse. Money means a lot to me. Whether you call it a pile of dust or dirt, what makes me who I am and who I am today is my money and wealth. (Tae Sang)

Surrender has never been an option for me. (Chae Ok)
Impactful "Gyeongseong Creature" Quotes
I don’t know about hope but I don’t plan on going down without a fight. You see, I’m going to survive as long as I can. (Tae Sang)  

I'm not going to ask if you're okay. Because I know you're not okay. Even so, I hope you'll get better. (Tae Sang)
Impactful "Gyeongseong Creature" Quotes

Mother once told me, "You can make so many different shapes with just one string. So imagine how many shapes could be made when two people meet. Those unpredictable bonds of fate shape the mold of a new life and steer its direction. For one seemingly coincidental encounter, days, eras, and space all start moving in one specific direction," she said. (Chae Ok)

An attraction that seems vague yet so very clear and palpable. It defies calculation. An incalculable force that sweeps you off your feet. It draws to an endless pull until two finally meet as one. She told me that is the power of fate. (Chae Ok)
Impactful "Gyeongseong Creature" Quotes
Impactful "Gyeongseong Creature" Quotes
Impactful "Gyeongseong Creature" Quotes
Impactful "Gyeongseong Creature" Quotes

We can be on the same side and still disagree. If we can’t share different opinions freely, we’ll no longer be on the same side. (Chae Ok)

Ultimately, all life seeks to evolve into its strongest form. Humans, in particular, desire to become apex predators. (Colonel Kato)

Don't underestimate the sacrifices of others when you haven't dared to die yourself! (Tae Sang)

What is "Gyeongseong Creature" about?

Korea is oppressed by Japan in 1945 when a strange creature appeared from the greed of humans. In the city of Gyeongseong, two young people struggle to survive against this horrible enemy in spring.

Genre: Thriller, Historical

Release: December 22, 2023 (P1), January 5, 2024 (P2)

Director: Jeong Dong-yun

Writer: Kang Eun-kyung

Network: Netflix

Main cast:

- Jang Tae-sang, played by Park Seo-joon

  - A rich and influential man who runs Geumokdang, the top pawn shop in Gyeongseong

  - A master of information who knows everything that happens in Gyeongseong

- Yoon Chae-ok, played by Han So-hee

  - An expert in tracking down people who are lost or hiding

- Yukiko Maeda, played by Soo Hyun

  - A Japanese noblewoman who has the most power and authority in Gyeongseong

  - Her Japanese name is 前田有紀子 (Maeda Yukiko) in Hepburn romanization


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