December 16, 2023

"My Perfect Stranger" Kdrama Quotes That Will Make Your Day

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I loved "My Perfect Stranger"! This drama was so well-written that I enjoyed it immensely. Every episode kept me hooked and eager for the next one. The finale was also satisfying.

This series indeed has a unique charm. The atmosphere, suspense, intrigue, and music are all amazing. It's enjoyable even with some flaws in the plot. The actors are all excellent, especially the young talent like Lee Won Joung. Kim Dong Wook and Jin Ki Joo portrayed their characters convincingly. But I think the romance should have more development to make the audience believe in their love.~

Number of episodes: 16

Best "My Perfect Stranger" Kdrama quotes

"My Perfect Stranger" Kdrama Quotes That Will Make Your Day

It’s never too late. Because the present is the past to your future. (Yoon Young)

They say good shoes take you to a good place. (Yoon Young) 

You may be poor but you should have some class. (Ko Mi Sook)

If you drop a seed here by accident, it’ll become a tree in 30 years. Your one action can completely change someone’s future. (Hae Jun)

It’s unfair of you to hate yourself, and you were ready to give up. (Hae Jun)

Have I ever even imagined a world without my mom? (Yoon Young)

If I ever get to travel back in time, I want to go back to that day and hold them one last time. Your tiny, beautiful hands. (Yoon Young’s mom)

How could I have misunderstood her intention this badly? How could I fail to understand her until the very last moment? (Yoon Young)

Have you ever realized how someone felt but it was too late? If only I had realized a little earlier. If only I knew a bit faster. Everything could’ve changed. (Yoon Young)

Mom was giving me the time she couldn’t have. (Yoon Young)

I’ll give it back to you now. The time you lost. Everything you gave up. I’ll get everything back to you. (Yoon Young)

I’m sure your dad didn’t mean to miss out on these occasions. He must have had a reason. (Hee Sub)
"My Perfect Stranger" Kdrama Quotes That Will Make Your Day

"My Perfect Stranger" Kdrama Quotes That Will Make Your Day

"My Perfect Stranger" Kdrama Quotes That Will Make Your Day
I get emotional when I think of these moments Yoon Young had with her father: from showing her a trick to handle a bully to teaching her how to ride a bike~

Blackmailing only works on someone afraid of losing something. (Yoon Young)

Knowing the truth means I have the power to change fate. And it’s hope that comes with responsibility. (Hae Jun)

When do you think people fall into the gravest danger? The hope that you can correct all the wrongs. The delusion that you can make all your mistakes disappear as if they never happened. As you become intoxicated by this sweet, pathetic pipe dream, you realize at some point that no wrong in the world can be corrected. But by the time you realize that, you will already have been crushed by the wheel of fate. What’s important is the direction. (Ko Mi Sook)

Some problems reach the same conclusion no matter how much you try to change them. (Yoon Young)

If it’s bound to happen, it will happen no matter what we do. (Hae Jun)

Once you start something, you must see it through to the end. (Hee Sub)

The things you didn’t like up close will become sad from a distance after some time passes. (Hae Jun)

You must hang in there. I know that you’re in agony. (Hae Jun)

We can jump 30 years in the blink of an eye. Then I realized that there are people who have to endure each and every day of those 30 years. (Hae Jun)

How long is 300 years? There must have been several droughts and floods. But it managed to stay in this spot without getting swept away in the water. (Hae Jun)

Shall we give each other a hug for a second? So many things happened today. (Hae Jun)

When you’re scared and lonely, close your eyes and imagine a small door. I’ll always wait for you behind that door. You just have to open it. (Soon Ae)

I guess people who are meant for each other end up meeting each other no matter what.

Some truths end up reaching their destination. No matter how long it takes, the truth reaches the one who needs it the most. (Hae Jun)

If things don’t change, then we’ll have to change them. (Hae Jun)

I get that you want to comfort me. But you keep missing the mark. (Hae Jun)

Has anything been resolved for keeping quiet? (Yoon Young’s grandmom)

Time flies but love remains. (Hae Jun)

For over 30 years, he [grandpa] waited for me in the same place. He didn’t forget the promise he made with me. (Hae Jun)
- Hae Jun: What does she [Yoon Young] like the most?
- Hae Jun's son: You. Mom liked you the most in this world.

Why do I need more gifts when I already have you? (Yoon Young to Hae Jun)
"My Perfect Stranger" Kdrama Quotes That Will Make Your Day
Youn Young expresses her love through words of affirmation. This is so adorable and it makes me cry.
We didn’t meet each other by chance. We were meant to run into each other. (Hae Jun)

(This was a brilliant line to conclude a great drama. I absolutely adored it.)

What is My Perfect Stranger about?

Their paths cross unexpectedly: he is investigating a series of killings, she is trying to stop her parents from tying the knot. They soon discover that their objectives are linked.

Genre: Fantasy, Time travel, Melodrama

Network: KBS2

Release date: May 1, 2023

Director: Kang Soo Yeon

Writer: Baek So Yeon

Streaming platform: Viu

Main cast:

 - Yoon Hae-jun, played by Kim Dong-wook, is a news anchor with a cool and honest attitude.

- Baek Yoon-young, played by Jin Ki-joo, is a book editor at a publishing company.


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