December 10, 2023

What is the Filipino version of a quick snack?

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What is the Filipino version of a quick snack?

What are the differences between Filipino and Korean snacks?

Check out the Philippines rice cake recipe!~

■ Main Ingredients: 

Coconut Milk (3 cups/600 ml), Glutinous Rice (2 cups/400 g), Brown Sugar (200 g), Vanilla Syrup (1 Tbsp), Salt (1/2 tsp) 

Coconut Caramel Main Ingredients: Coconut Cream (1 cup/200 ml)

■ Philippines Rice Cake Recipe

What is the Filipino version of a quick snack?
What is the Filipino version of a quick snack?
What is the Filipino version of a quick snack?

1. Put the coconut cream (1 cup/200 ml) in a hot pot and bring it to a boil, stirring until browned. Then, lower the heat and simmer the coconut cream until it caramelizes.

2. Strain the caramelized coconut cream to separate the coconut oil and the caramel crystals.

3. Put coconut milk (3 cups/600 ml), brown sugar (200 g), salt (1/2 tsp), and vanilla syrup (1 Tbsp) in a saucepan and boil for about 5 minutes to make coconut syrup.

4. Mix half of the coconut syrup with the glutinous rice (2 cups/400 g) and save the rest for later. For the glutinous rice, soak it for 3-4 hours and cook it for about 15-20 minutes as if you were making rice porridge.

5. Spread the coconut glutinous rice evenly in a greased square container and let it cool. You can refrigerate it for about an hour to make it firmer.

6. Brush the cooled coconut glutinous rice with coconut syrup and coconut oil and sprinkle with caramel crystals to make a quick snack.

7. Cut your Philippines rice cake into bite-sized pieces, place them on a banana leaf (1 piece), and then brush them with the remaining coconut syrup. 

This is a recipe by Chef Kim Young-joon (Chief Culinary Officer of Korea).

Source: EBS


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