January 5, 2024

[Jan 4] "Like Flowers in Sand” Ep. 6 Breaks Its Own Record; Recap

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[Jan 4] "Like Flowers in Sand” Breaks Its Own Record As It Enters 2nd Half; Recap

The first half of ENA’s “Like Flowers in Sand” ended with a bang, achieving its best ratings ever!

The romance drama soared to new heights on episode 6, as it prepared for the 2nd half of its run. Nielsen Korea reported that the most recent episode of “Like Flowers in Sand” recorded an average nationwide rating of 2.1%, setting a new personal best for the show.

The main plot of this episode revolves around Yu-Gyeong's secret identity as Du-Sik, a former wrestler who left her hometown after a scandal involving her father. She returns as an undercover cop to investigate a death case, but her colleague Min Hyeon-Uk discovers the truth and confronts her. Baek-Du, who has always liked her, helps her keep her secret and grows closer to her.

Episode 6 of "Like Flowers in Sand" also shows Baek-Du's character development as he stands up for himself and his passion for ssireum, a traditional Korean wrestling. He challenges the coach who benched him and expresses his desire to compete in the next match. Yu-Gyeong supports him and teaches him to be more confident.

Plus, the episode hints at the connection between Yu-Gyeong's past and Baek-Du's father, who is also a ssireum coach. The head coach of the ssireum team, Park Dong-Chan, suspects that Yu-Gyeong is from a wrestler's family and tells Baek-Du's father about it. Hyeon-Uk reveals that Du-Sik's father was accused of murder in a match-fixing case, which could be related to the death case that Yu-Gyeong is investigating.



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