January 29, 2024

[Jan 27] “Knight Flower” Episode 6, “Flex x Cop” Episode 2: Ratings & Recap

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Let's applaud the actors and staff of “Knight Flower” and “Flex x Cop” for their achievements!

“Knight Flower” episode 6 rating & recap

[Jan 27] “Knight Flower” Episode 6, “Flex x Cop” Episode 2: Ratings & Recap

The action comedy “Knight Flower” from MBC ended the 1st half of its season with a bang, achieving its best ratings ever. Nielsen Korea reported that the show’s 6th episode reached an average of 12.5% nationwide, setting a new record for itself.

Escape plan

The main plot of this episode of "Knight Flower" is the escape plan for Mrs. Bai and her lover. The merchant leader and Jo Yeo-Hwa visit Long De, the lover, at the police station before his execution. Yeo-Hwa slips him a poison that makes him look dead by inducing vomiting and diarrhea. The police, fearing an infectious disease, quickly take his body out of the city to be buried.

Pursuit & revelation

Yeo-Hwa and her men are about to retrieve the body when Park Soo-Ho shows up. A pursuit follows between them, and Soo-Ho finally admits that he has figured out who Yeo-Hwa is. But she doesn't give up. 

She manages to get rid of Soo-Ho's horse and runs away on her own. She then hides Mrs. Bai and Long De in a merchant group that is leaving the capital. When Soo-Ho catches up with her, Yeo-Hwa takes off her mask and confirms her identity to him.

Murder case & petals

Soo-Ho talks to his brother, the Chief Officer, about the murder case and hopes to get some assistance with the missing body. But the Left State Councilor also wants to keep the incident quiet and closes the case hastily. 

Soo-Ho then mentions the petals to his brother, who is scared by the details of the spots in the mouth and scent and tells Soo-Ho to keep it a secret. Later, in the palace, the Crown Prince sees the petals thrown into the water and realizes that the scent is the same as the one he smelled when his father passed away years ago.

“Flex x Cop” episode 2 rating & recap

Another new drama, “Flex x Cop” from SBS, also saw an increase in its ratings for its 2nd episode, which rose to an average of 6.9% nationwide.

Flex x Cop's 2nd episode shows the tense rivalry between Isoo and Ganghyun. Isoo is a friendly and famous person, but he fails to impress his co-workers at the police station and faces their hostility. He decides to take on a new case to show that he is a real cop. Can Isoo earn the respect of his colleagues? Can he solve the mystery of Jung Ina's death? Let's see!

How did Isoo get to work after Sengju's visit?

Isoo was still sleeping when Sengju visited him and didn't feel like going to his new job. He later learned that Sengju was about to expose the fact that Isoo was not a genuine cop in a press conference. This would mean that Isoo would lose his position as vice chairman and his cousins would replace Sengju. It would also ruin his father's political campaign. 

Isoo rushed to the press conference and stopped his brother from telling the truth. The reporters asked him many questions that he could not answer well. This made the police department look bad in the media! 

Afterwards, Hija (Sengju's mother) tried to turn Myeongchul against Isoo. She said that Isoo was nothing like Sengju and that he was very irresponsible. Myeongchul planned to send Isoo abroad after the elections. Sengju defended his brother when he told Hija not to speak ill of Isoo to their father.

What happened at the police station?

Isoo received a warm welcome when he arrived at the police station to start his new job. But Ganghyun told him that he was a spoiled prince and that he should quit being a cop. She even asked the higher-ups to assign him to desk duty, but they refused. 

Isoo tried to make his colleagues like him by providing them with good food. Isoo's immature behavior annoyed Ganghyun, as he would play video games at the station and spend a lot of money on decorating his office. 

Ganghyun was fed up with Isoo's childishness and joined forces with Jungyoung to sabotage him. They wanted to make him quit his job. She gave him a lot of files from old cases to write reports. 

When she checked on him later, she saw that the chief, Sunguu, was writing reports for Isoo. Sunguu said that he was teaching Isoo how to write reports since he did not know how to do it. Sunguu also scolded Ganghyun for not helping Isoo as a senior!

How did Isoo show that he was a good cop?

When a case of an elderly man who went missing came up, Isoo joined the team to find him. Ganghyun told him that the man had dementia and that they had to find him before dark. Isoo organized a group of bikers and cyclists to search for the old man, and they found him in a short time. It turned out that Isoo had used his fame to ask his fans for help, promising them one of his expensive watches if they found the old man.

The discovery of Jung Ina’s corpse at Gangha Quay sparked a new case. She was a model, and the cops found some powder at the scene of the crime. Ganghyun and Isoo visited the agency where Ina worked to learn more about her. The agency’s CEO claimed that Ina showed up at the agency the previous night, but soon left for a crucial meeting. She also informed the police that Ina’s mother, who was a widow, had died 10 days ago.

Ganghyun told Isoo to back off from the case, as she didn't trust his abilities. His colleagues ignored all his insights on the case, which made him sad. Isoo then resolved to prove himself as a true detective by cracking Ina’s case. He dared Ganghyun to either find the real killer or quit the job. He also demanded that she admit that he was a good cop if he accomplished his goal!

What did Isoo experience in the autopsy room?

Isoo had some flashbacks of him drowning in a bathtub when he entered the autopsy room. He kept seeing the face of a woman in a painting that he had noticed after he found Ina’s body. He felt like he was submerged and could not breathe, but he said he was joking when Ganghyun came to his aid. Isoo might have had a traumatic past that motivated him to become a cop.

The autopsy revealed that Ina was 22 years old. She died around 1-1:30 AM, and her death was puzzling! She had a mark on her neck that showed she was choked, but she also had river water in her stomach, which implied she might have drowned. 

She also had a head injury that fractured her skull, which could have been the main cause of her death. The body had marks on the arms, indicating violence before her murder! 

"Flex x Cop" episode 2 didn't clarify the motive and method of Ina’s murder.

How did Isoo and Ganghyun nab the murderer?

The police obtained footage of the deck where Ina was killed. They saw a man leaving the deck, and Isoo recognized him as Cheon Taesung, the youngest son of DN Media. They also found a fingerprint on the glass on the deck, which belonged to Taesung. Isoo later confronted Taesung at a hotel, where he tried to arrest him for killing Ina. 

However, Taesung’s bodyguard interfered with his work and threw him out of the hotel. Ganghyun also faced difficulties in entering the hotel, as the guards said that only club members could access the hotel. The bodyguards assaulted both Isoo and Ganghyun, and they fought back fiercely!

What is going to happen next?

The next episode of "Flex x Cop" will likely unveil more twists and turns in the model’s murder case. The true culprit will be caught eventually, and Ganghyun will probably accept Isoo as a real cop. 

The preview of the next episode also shows that Isoo asks Mr. Choi to let him return to his own house, away from the Hansu group. Mr. Choi agreed to arrange for him to go back to his house. Isoo will revisit his childhood memories when he goes back to the house. 

The action-comedy drama will likely depict many new events, shedding more light on the case and Isoo’s past. Ganghyun might also appreciate Isoo’s devotion to his work, and develop feelings for him.

(Sources: naver.comyna.co.krnewsis.com)


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