January 31, 2024

[Jan 30] “Marry My Husband” ep.10, “Love Song for Illusion” ep.9: Ratings & Recap

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The ratings for tvN’s “Marry My Husband” have reached a new high, breaking into the double digits for the first time!

“Marry My Husband” episode 10 rating & recap

[Jan 30] “Marry My Husband” ep.10, “Love Song for Illusion” ep.9: Ratings & Recap

The 10th episode of the drama recorded an average of 10.7% in nationwide viewership, according to Nielsen Korea. This is a 0.9% jump from the 9.8% that the previous episode achieved, setting a new record for the show. 

Further, Good Data Corporation, a professional agency that analyzes the competitiveness of K-content, announced the results of the TV-OTT buzz ranking survey for the 4th week of January, and "Marry My Husband" ranked 1st in the TV-OTT comprehensive buzz for 4 consecutive weeks, and Park Min-young maintained the top spot in the cast comprehensive buzz for 4 consecutive weeks, continuing its explosive buzz. Let's applaud the cast and crew of this drama for their success!

In this episode, Jung Soo-min confesses to being pregnant. Kang Ji-won (Park Min-young)'s satisfying revenge and the newly found romance that sent away her enemies Park Min-hwan (Lee Yi-kyung) and Soo-min (Song Ha-yoon) captivated the viewers without a break.

Ji-won’s humiliation of Min-hwan & Soo-min

Previously, Min-hwan, who was angry at Ji-won for the previous blind date incident, was slapped instead. Ji-won didn't stop there and showed him a red panty in the middle of the office, and shouted "Where did the bastard who cheated on me make a loud noise" with a loud voice that he had never heard from her before.

Min-hwan and Soo-min had a fight on the roof and were caught by Kim Kyung-wook (Kim Jung-hee), who returned to work. The whole company and various SNS and communities learned that the two were having an affair. 

Min-hwan & Soo-min’s downfall

Moreover, when it was belatedly revealed that they had an issue with the lack of allergy notice when they went out to the mart, Min-hwan was transferred to another department and Soo-min was dismissed due to the expiration of the contract.

However, the customer who collapsed due to an allergy at the tasting event visited the head office and looked for Ji-won and complained. They thought Ji-won posted on SNS that they were a typical black consumer case. 

Ji-won, who sensed that Soo-min wrote the post, shouted at Soo-min, who was trying to sneak out of the company. Soo-min's cell phone had a trace of uploading the post herself. Eventually, Soo-min knelt down and apologized in front of many people in the lobby. She also made a false confession that she was pregnant and made another hole to escape.

The marriage plan

Especially, Min-hwan decided to get married quickly to pay off his debt as the pressure from the loan sharks he had borrowed for stock investment continued. He went to Soo-min and proposed with the same words as Ji-won. Soo-min was shaken by the word 'family'. Afterward, Soo-min posted a message on the Internet saying that she bought a pregnancy test kit and an ultrasound picture with two lines, and decided to get married to Park Min-hwan.

At the end of episode 10, Ji-won met Yoo Ji-hyuk (Na In-woo) on her way back from a date with Baek Eun-ho (Lee Ki-kwang). Ji-won, who rejected Eun-ho's feelings, confessed her feelings for Ji-hyuk calmly. Then, they kissed!!!

“Love Song for Illusion” episode 9 rating & recap

On the other hand, KBS2’s “Love Song for Illusion” saw a decline in its ratings, dropping from 2.4% to 1.7% for its 9th episode.

Episode 8 shows how Ak-Hee, the king's other personality, gives up his control over the body for Kyera/Yeon Wol's sake. The king and Yeon Wol embrace and kiss each other with intense emotions, ending the episode on a high note.

The 9th episode starts with Yeon Wol telling the king about Sajo Yung's evil plans and the abduction of women in his realm. They decide to separate because she made a promise to Ak-Hee that she would stay away from the king if he let him go. She leaves, but she swears to defend the king and oppose Sajo Yung's tyranny.

Hwang Hee plots to kill Park Ji Soon & Hong Ye-Ji

Sajo Yung, who is Hwang Hee's character, instructs his guards to watch over Yeon Wol. He plans to use her as a bait to trap Park Ji-Hoon's character later. In "Love Song for Illusion" episode 9, she notices that she is being followed. She meets with the Wind Knives' members and fools Sajo Yung's guards into thinking that she has severed her ties with the rebels.

At the same time, King Sajo Hyeong scolds the officials at the royal court for demanding him to raise taxes. His actions make them suspicious, and they start to believe the gossip that he is possessed by a wicked spirit. The king, however, secretly works on solving the women trafficking problem in his kingdom. He receives a note from the Wind Knives informing him that the kidnapped women will be sold to the Jinhoi kingdom.

Sajo Hyeong allies with the defense minister and the head minister to form a team against Sajo Yung. Sajo Yung, meanwhile, captures shaman Cheong-Ta and forces her to reveal how to summon Ak-Hee and imprison Sajo Hyeong permanently. Hwang Hee's character wants to eliminate Sajo Hyeong and Yeon Wol. But Ak-Hee does not appear after Yeon Wol hurts his feelings and picks the king.

The episode's latter part shows how Sajo Yung's men abduct some maids from the palace and sell them to Jinhoi. Sajo Hyeong finds out and assembles his troops to rescue the women. Park Ji-Hoon's character and the Wild Knives members raid the place where the women are held, while Yeon Wol confronts Prince Ga Ron. He agrees to release the women if she agrees to be his woman.

"Love Song for Illusion" episode 9 ending: Is Hong Ye-Ji alive?

The episode climax shows how Sajo Hyeong and Wild Knives fight Sajo Yung's men to save the abducted women. Sajo Yung becomes enraged, and he fires flaming arrows at the place. 

The houses are set on fire, but the king does not stop saving the people. Hong Ye-ji's Yeon Wol comes back to assist Sajo Hyeong and the others. She enters a room, and it bursts into flames. Sajo Hyeong tries to get to her but fails to rescue her. The episode ends with him weeping near a stream.

He suddenly spots Yeon Wol sitting on a rock. Love Song for Illusion episode 9 concludes with their reunion. He looks relieved, but she has a sad expression. It might be related to Prince Ga Ron's offer. The next episode will reveal more.

(Sources: Nielsen Koreahankookilbo.com)


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