February 4, 2024

[Feb 2] “Knight Flower” Ep.7, “Flex x Cop” Ep.3: Ratings & Recap

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The popular action-comedy series “Knight Flower” on MBC is unstoppable!

“Knight Flower” episode 7 rating & recap

[Feb 2] “Knight Flower” Episode 7, “Flex x Cop” Episode 3: Ratings & Recap

The drama, which features Honey Lee as the lead actress, topped the ratings chart for all programs that aired on Friday, February 2. Nielsen Korea reported that “Knight Flower” reached a new record of 13.1% for its average nationwide rating, showing a consistent increase in its viewership. Let's applaud the hard work and success of the “Knight Flower” team!

Yeo-hwa & Su-ho <3

Episode 7 starts with Yeo-hwa telling Su-ho that she believes in him because he stands up for the weak. He replies that he will watch over her to protect her. She thinks he is threatening her but Jang only laughs.

The King & Yoon-hak's scheme

At the palace, the King and Yoon-hak scheme. They know that Soong-ho, Yeo-hwa’s brother, is alive and has the jade tablet and the old king’s final decree. They figure out that Seok married his sister to blackmail him. Somewhere else, Seok tells Lady Oh to step down. He also hears from Pil about Su-ho’s interference. There is a rumor that Su-ho is the bastard son of Scholar Park, which Seok doubts and decides to investigate.

Lady Oh’s dilemma

Jang discovers that Lady Oh was aware that Yong-deok’s ring didn't belong to her husband. Yeo-hwa wonders why Oh lied. Lady Oh does not want to step down and Pil cautions her not to oppose Seok. The Queen Dowager also tries to stop Seok but he is too powerful and Lady Oh has to go into a 3-year mourning. But she has her own plans and keeps trying to contact Yeo-hwa.

The case of the missing body

The case of the missing body is closed as Su-ho instructs Bi-chan to spread the sad story of Baek stealing the body and vanishing. With only one young noble widow left, Lady Yoo puts more pressure on Yeo-hwa to be flawless.

Man-sik and the new stranger

On the streets, Man-sik harasses the new stranger for setting up a stall without permission. Su-ho intervenes but Pil warns him to stay out of it. He hints that he knows about the Masked Man and Jang’s involvement in Yeom’s case. The stranger, Joo Yo-sub, who is clueless about the drama, gives Su-ho a hairpin for his lover, which makes him embarrassed. Seok meets Yoon-hak and invites him and Su-ho to his house. Su-ho is thrilled which puzzles Yoon-hak.

Bi-chan & Yi-kyung

Bi-chan continues to search for the Masked Woman and encounters Hwang Yi-kyung. He calls her beautiful by mistake and they are both stunned.

The meeting at Seok’s house

Yo-sub makes a deal with Jang. She is curious about his background as he is odd but clearly from a noble family. The Parks arrive at Seok’s and Yeo-hwa is shocked. Su-ho keeps looking at her while Yoon-hak looks at a sweeper. The meeting begins and Seok offers to help Su-ho.

The secret message

Yeo-hwa sneaks outside, thinking Su-ho is going to expose her secret. He surprises her and finds it amusing. After the Parks leave, she finds a book with a note that someone will inform her about Soong-ho in 5 days.

Yoon-hak & Yeon-sun’s misunderstanding

The brothers go their separate ways and Yoon-hak bumps into Yeon-sun. She inquires about Su-ho for Yeo-hwa and he questions her about Yeo-hwa for his case. They misunderstand each other and Yeon-sun is angry.

Yo-sub’s revelation

There is a Moran Gathering at Myungdo where Yo-sub tries to sell his goods by telling love stories. But the women are not interested in Romeo and Juliet or how he fled his country because he fell in love with a foreigner. They talk about Yeo-hwa, the faithful widow who has never met her dead husband. It turns out that Yo-sub is the “dead” husband and he wonders why everyone thinks he is dead.

The noblewomen’s gossip

On the dais, the noblewomen also talk, but this time about Yo-sub and how he resembles Seok. Lady Yoo is enraged and rebukes them. Yeo-hwa slips inside right when Su-ho shows up. They argue and Yo-sub interrupts. To conceal her face, Su-ho embraces her and Yo-sub just grins and runs away. After the gathering, Su-ho asks Jang to secretly look into Lady Oh.

Su-ho's meeting with the King

Yoon-hak arranges for Su-ho to meet the King and discuss Yeom and the previous king’s demise. The King playfully cautions Su-ho, who stands his ground. The King is impressed and invites Su-ho to join them. Yoon-hak then reveals what happened on the night of the slaughter. The previous king had entrusted him with the Kangs’ safety and was aware of his impending doom. Yoon-hak had rushed to the Kangs’ residence that night, only to discover their corpses and a wounded Su-ho.

Yeo-hwa's visit to Lady Oh

On the other hand, Yeo-hwa is haunted by the memory of Su-ho’s embrace. Yo-sub attempts to spy on her from outside. Yeo-hwa finally agrees to see Lady Oh after much persuasion. Lady Oh inquires about her brother. Yeo-hwa goes back home and finds Lady Yoo searching the shrine. She spots Su-ho’s fan, which Yeo-hwa had wielded as a weapon when they first met.

The epilogue

In the epilogue of "Knight Flower" episode 7, Jang shows up after Yo-sub and catches Su-ho and Yeo-hwa in a hug. They're embarrassed and Yeo-hwa dashes out. Jang mocks her while Su-ho blushes inside.

The take: Episode 7 delivers the most amazing plot twist with Joo Yo-sub being the “dead” husband. It's sure to infuriate many people. And does this imply a happier future for Yeo-hwa? She isn't a widow with him alive. She probably isn’t even married since he was absent from his own wedding.

The mystery element has been intensified and the drama’s latter half seems to have a lot of potential. Lady Oh is someone to watch out for, as she keeps demanding to meet Yeo-hwa. The King, who was a passive participant, has also joined the action, changing the game for good.

But the mystery isn't the only thing that is advancing. The romance is also moving at a nice pace. Su-ho is more than just a typical tsundere. He has his moral principles but he is also quite emotional, quick to grin and flush or get thrilled when he visits his crush’s house. It is not easy to match Honey Lee but Lee Jong-won’s Su-ho has not disappointed so far.

“Flex x Cop” episode 3 rating & recap

[Feb 2] “Knight Flower” Episode 7, “Flex x Cop” Episode 3: Ratings & Recap

SBS’s new drama “Flex x Cop”, which competes with “Knight Flower” in the same time slot, maintained a steady rating of 6.6% for episode 3. In this episode, Ahn Bo-Hyun and Park Ji-Hyun solve their debut case as a team.

The chaotic arrest

The 3rd episode of "Flex X Cop" continued from where the last one ended. Jin Yi-Soo and Park Ji-Hyun worked together to nab the first person of interest in the case. The case involved the murder of a model named Jung Ina. The person they caught was Cheon Tae-Sung, the youngest son of DN Group, who had seen the model on the night she died.

But he said that his older brother and the second son of DN Group’s Chairman Cheon Bang-Jo, Cheon Tae-Young, was the real killer. Tae-Young also showed up at the police station. The two brothers started fighting, and soon the rest of the family joined them one by one. Cheon Tae-Jun, the oldest son of DN Group, also came.

Other relatives who came after him were Cheon Bang-Jo’s second wife Lee Su-Min and his first wife Choi Hyeon-Ju. The family kept arguing over the case while the team took both Tae-Sung and Tae-Young into custody for murder and drug charges respectively.

The mysterious scratch

The team then looked into the statements of both brothers and carried on with their investigation. Their main goal was to figure out where Jung Ina was killed. Yi-Soo remembered noticing a scratch on the boat (where they found Jung Ina) when he wandered around the off-limits area. The team quickly guessed that the murder might have taken place on another boat. The scratch might have happened when they moved her from one boat to another.

As Yi-Soo had thought, the team found the scratch on the boat. That night, Yi-Soo had a fight with his stepmother at home. She told him to leave as his father had cut him off. After the fight, Yi-Soo asked his assistant Mr. Choi to dig up more information on DN Group. The next day, Kang-Hyun learned from the model’s phone records that Jung Ina had met Cheon Tae-Jun.

The secret child

The team learned that Tae-Jun owned a yacht that he hadn’t used for a long time. He also said that Jung Ina met his mother Choi Hyeon-Ju. When they met her, her assistant called her for a meeting. The team then checked out the restaurant where Tae-Jun met Jung Ina last. The waiter said that the two had a short conversation, and then Tae-Jun left. Jung Ina came back to the restaurant and left soon after.

Meanwhile, Yi-Soo went to the hospital after Mr. Choi gave him enough information. He saw Cheon Bang-Jo in a VIP room. The team, on the other hand, found out that Jung Ina’s mother was Bang-Jo’s secretary. Yi-Soo went into the office and revealed that the Chairman had cancer and the sons were vying for his fortune.

Kang-Hyun figured out that Jung Ina was Bang-Jo’s secret child and the model wanted a sample for a DNA test. That’s why she met Tae-Jung and came back to the restaurant to get the DNA sample from his wine glass. The team wanted to search Tae-Jun’s yacht which he said he didn’t use. But Kang-Hyun couldn’t get a warrant for it. So Yi-Soo used his influence to get into the yacht, while she stayed outside.

The final showdown

The team traced Park Jong-Wook’s footprints to some bloodstains. He was the assistant of Choi Hyeon-Ju, who had summoned her for a meeting earlier. They learned that the duo was planning to flee the country. Yi-Soo took his private helicopter and brought Kang-Hyun along. They nabbed the suspects and charged them with Jung Ina’s murder.

Choi Hyeon-Ju admitted to the crime. Yi-Soo then encountered Tae-Jun outside the interrogation room. He acted concerned for his mother, but Yi-Soo felt something was off. He visited Lee Su-Min, the second wife of the Chairman. There, he found a hidden recording of Tae-Jun telling his mother to cover for him and ordering Jung Ina’s death. The team took Tae-Jun into custody. Kang-Hyun also acknowledged Yi-Soo’s work.

The unresolved wager

However, Kang-Hyun was still unhappy about losing her wager with Yi-Soo and failing to catch the real killer. Yi-Soo, on the other hand, had a chat with his half-brother Jin Seung-Ju about their status as illegitimate sons. The brothers shared their affection for each other, while their father Jin Myung-Chul dismissed Yi-Soo as “unreliable” and useless for his political ambitions.

At the end of the episode, Yi-Soo got a VIP invite to “Noh Young-Jae’s private exhibition - Invitation to the Death.” He went to the exhibition and saw another murder scene. He told the painter’s assistant to lock the door, as the killer was still inside. In an extra scene, he called Kang-Hyun to come to the venue, as he had secured the crime scene.

(Sources: xportsnews.comosen.co.kr)


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