March 9, 2024

[Mar 8] “Wonderful World” Episode 3: Rating, Recap, Review

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MBC’s “Wonderful World” just hit its highest number of viewers for its 3rd episode. The drama, which features Kim Nam Joo and ASTRO’s Cha Eun Woo, saw a big increase in people watching on March 8. It got a rating of 8.0% across the country, almost 2% more than the previous episode.

Big cheers to everyone who worked on “Wonderful World”!

“Wonderful World” episode 3: Recap & review

[Mar 8] “Wonderful World” Episode 3: Rating, Recap, Review

Reconciliation and remembrance

In episode 3 of “Wonderful World,” Soo-hyun visits her son’s grave and meets Seon-yul, who shares his umbrella with her. Back home, her mother tells her about Yoo-ri’s success. Soo-hyun and Yoo-ri have a heartfelt talk, and Yoo-ri encourages her to start anew. Soo-hyun searches for a boy linked to a past event and finds out he’s been seeing a therapist. She meets the therapist, now a professor, who agrees to help her find the boy. Soo-hyun also learns that her ex-husband is coming back to Korea.

Soo-hyun visits her old home, filled with memories, and spends a night there. The next day, she continues her search for the boy, and the professor informs her of his workplace.

Unresolved tensions and unexpected revelations

Meanwhile, Seon-yul is tasked with spying on a congressman. He witnesses the congressman’s wild party and takes incriminating photos but has to escape from the guards after being discovered. Seon-yul manages to get away and tends to his injuries.

Suddenly, Soo-hyun arrives at the junkyard and remembers she met Seon-yul at the cemetery before. Seon-yul finishes his dinner and then talks to Soo-hyun about why she’s there. She tells him she’s there for someone else and gives him Hyung-ja’s diary.

Seon-yul is angry when he finds out the diary is from the woman who caused his parents’ death. He blames Soo-hyun for making him remember his pain. Soo-hyun says sorry, but Seon-yul walks away. For days, Soo-hyun waits outside his house to talk, but he doesn’t stop.

One evening, Seon-yul isn’t home on time, so Soo-hyun leaves. She sees a car crash and finds Seon-yul looking for a chain with his mom’s picture. The police question him about the crash.

When he comes back, he finds out Soo-hyun went into the swamp to find his chain. She says sorry for not thinking about his feelings and says she’ll leave him alone. She leaves her contact info with the chain. Meanwhile, Soo-ho gets an award in the U.S. but throws it away because the channel supports the man responsible for his son’s death.

Soo-hyun returns to her mom’s place and is surprised to see Soo-ho. He says sorry and asks her to come back to him. Soo-hyun is hesitant, but Soo-ho insists they try again. She agrees.

The next day, Soo-ho has lunch with his mom and brother. His mom acts nice to Soo-hyun but later tells her she’s upset about Gun-woo’s death and doesn’t want her to ruin Soo-ho’s career. Soo-hyun is upset by this. That night, Soo-ho gives Soo-hyun a watch and thanks her for another chance.

At the same time, a boy sends a package to Soo-ho’s company with info about Soo-hyun. He also develops photos related to her.

Soo-hyun meets Hee-jae, their neighbor’s son, and remembers playing soccer with Gun-woo. Seon-yul thinks about talking to Soo-hyun.

Soo-ho’s boss wants Soo-hyun to do an interview, but Soo-ho says no. The boss asks Soo-hyun directly, and Yoo-ri warns her about negative comments if she agrees.

Soo-hyun lets Soo-ho know that her boss wants her to do an interview, and she agrees to do it for Soo-ho. During the interview, they are asked tough questions about their son Gun-woo’s passing. Soo-ho stays strong and answers, but Soo-hyun gets upset, sharing how difficult it was to lose her son so suddenly.

After the interview, a package from Min-hyeok is delivered to Soo-hyun’s room at Soo-ho’s office. The interview wraps up with Soo-ho showing courage for both of them. Soo-hyun returns to her room and sees she missed a call from Seon-yul. When she calls back, Seon-yul says he’s not ready to forgive the person who hurt his parents but will try to read the diary.

Soo-hyun wants to meet Seon-yul later to give him the diary. But she finds a letter from Min-hyeok with a photo showing Soo-ho close to another woman. The episode ends with a shock – Min-hyeok is the son of the man responsible for Gun-woo’s death!


Soo-hyun has Seon-yul’s number, which is strange, but let’s talk about that later. Soo-hyun is upset because it looks like Soo-ho might have been with another woman, possibly when they were split up. If not, it could mean he was unfaithful before their son died.

Some think Yoo-ri might be the woman with Soo-ho, but that would be a big betrayal since she’s like a sister to Soo-hyun. Worse, Hee-jae might be Soo-ho’s child with their neighbor, Hye-geum, who acted oddly before and might have wanted Gun-woo gone so Hee-jae could have Soo-ho’s full attention as a dad. This is all guessing, but I’m excited to see what happens between Seon-yul and Soo-hyun.

It’s great to see Eun Woo in a tough role, especially in the fight scene. Also, we see Min-hyeok’s sadness over his dad’s death caused by Soo-hyun. Let's see what will be unveiled in the next episodes.



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