September 19, 2018

The 44 Best Quotes from 'Thirty But Seventeen' Kdrama

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Here is a list of the best quotes from 'Thirty But Seventeen' K-drama ep 7-16 that will help you stay strong and move on with your life, and make/ renew/ grow your faith in true love.

What a beautiful drama! Every characters, whether human or non-human, are adorable; the story line is enjoyable and healing. In the end, everyone is healed in their own way. People enjoy 'Thirty But Seventeen' partly because it was relatable. We are all getting older in age though, we still feel young and unsure about the world. Also, whether it's friendship, romance-ship, or family-ship, all the ships are beautifully developed. If you are looking for a relaxing and inspring drama, this series is just for you!

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Also known as: Still 17
Hangul: 서른이지만 열일곱입니다
Director: Jo Soo-won
Writer: Jo Sung-hee
Executive Producer(s): Moon Seok-hwan, Oh Kwang-hee
Production Company(s): Bon Factory, Worldwide
Network: SBS
Episodes: 16
Release Date: July 23 – September 18, 2018
Runtime: Monday & Tuesday 22:00
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea


Gong Woo-jin (Yang Se-jong) is 30 years old and working as a set designer. A trauma he experienced 13 years ago has caused him to keep his heart tightly shut. Woo Seo-ri (Shin Hye-sun) fell into a coma when she was 17. Thirteen years later, she wakes up to find she becomes a 30-year-old adult. While she is physically aging, her mental age is still that of a 17-year-old. She and Woo-jin enter each other's life and fall in love.


Shin Hye-sun as Woo Seo-ri
Yang Se-jong as Gong Woo-jin
Ahn Hyo-seop as Yoo Chan

'Thirty But Seventeen' Kdrama quotes (Ep 7-16)

A peaceful and happy experience? The times that I spent with her. The most frightening time... The most peaceful and happy times were all spent with her. That's why I'm confused... She keeps nudging at something inside me. Everything she says, how she feels, and her honesty are so crystal clear. It keeps making me feel conscious for not being like her. She keeps on making me look back on myself whenever I run away. I know that it's safe to ignore and pretend like I never knew her. I always thought it's okay to live like this. But she keeps making that not okay. It feels like she's the only one that I can't shut out. She keeps dragging me out of my safety net. She makes me want to break it open and run out. She keeps making me want to not live like this anymore. That's what she does. (Woo-jin)
This is a crepe-myrtle tree. My dad planted this here on my seventh birthday. And the number here is the height. We planted a tree that was the same height as me. We measured how much we each grew every year, then wrote it here. We planted this 10 years ago, so that means... No, it was 23 years ago. You got really big while I was away. I didn't grow up at all. (Seo-ri)
Woo-jin: Time really does fly. I was starting to hope it'd pass by a little slowly. Time really does fly by regardless of whether you want to hold onto it or have it pass by really quickly.
Jennifer: Not only does it fly by, but at the same time, it's something you can never get back. Anyone's capable of feeling sad about what's already gone. But whether you're going to make that sadness into something regretful or make it into a wonderful memory is entirely up to you. I'm telling you this because I envy the fact that you're still capable of doing something. 
Woo-jin: You've been staring for a while. What're you looking at?
Seo-ri: They just look so happy. I kind of envy them as well.
Woo-jin: Why?
Seo-ri: I envy their age and the time they're spending at that age. I've always wanted to do stuff like that. 
Seo-ri: Do you know what an intermission is?
Woo-jin: A break of a musical or a performance? That intermission?
Seo-ri: Yes. Whenever I went to concerts as a kid, I really loved that time. I was glad it wasn't over. That there is more left. I looked forward to another awesome performance. And I think this is my intermission. I have stopped for a moment as I wait for another awesome performance. The intermission of my life. That's why it's okay. It's not over. I'm just taking a break. I am only taking a short break for something even more amazing. That's why I want to try getting through it by myself. I won't move with you and Chan, ask Ms. Kang for help, or have you ask around for a place for me. I'll take care of it all on my own... Thank you for worrying about me. Actually, I considered moving with you because I was scared. But I'll end up depending on you if I do that. I'd rely on you, then I'd slow down. If that happens, I might just end up freezing. However, I don't want that to happen. That's why I'll try to do it by myself. 
Woo-jin: You're already mature enough. If I were you, I couldn't have done the same. No, I couldn't do it. You said this to me once. You told me that it looks like my heart is curled up. I would hide, run, and step away. It's true. That's how I lived. I couldn't be sad with all of my heart or feel sorry enough. I was afraid people would see my pain, so I ran away and ignored it. I was too busy covering myself up. 
Woo-jin: ... just come. I'm worried that my plants will wilt again because I don't know where the best places are. I'm also worried that Deok Gu will feel depressed without you around.
Seo-ri: You can take three steps from the doorway to find the best spot. And I'll go see Fang often.
Woo-jin: What I mean is... I want you to stay at my place with me. 
Woo-jin: Was I invisible? Why did you pretend not to see me?
Seo-ri: You did the scariest thing.
Woo-jin: Me? I didn't do anything scary.
Seo-ri: You disappeared without saying anything. I was afraid you left without a word. I thought you disappeared too, so I was scared.
Woo-jin: I won't. I won't disappear. Ever.
Just a while ago, I thought I was alone in this world. Now I have so many good people around me. I feel so rich. (Seo-ri)
Seo-ri: You shouldn't cover your ears with a broken pair. I thought you should use these to listen to good music. It is something too small to call it a gift, so... (Context: Seo-ri gave Woo-jin a new pair of earphones)
Woo-jin: It's something huge. Thank you. I'll use them well.
Seo-ri: I thought I'd become a cool adult like you once I turned 30.
Hee-soo: Are you talking about me? You think I'm an adult?
Seo-ri: Of course. You take care of everything so well. Plus, you're mature and cool. You're an adult who knows everything.
Hee-soo: I know absolutely nothing. I just pretend like I know stuff. I feel just as young as I did when I used to be a 20-year-old, college student in Germany. I just pretend like I'm a 30-year-old adult that the world expects me to be. I may not know a lot of things, but I'm sure no 30-year-old lives their life thinking they're an adult. 
Didn't you once tell me that you never know what could happen in life and that you should always give things a try? (Woo-jin)
Don't think of it as nothing. You hurt your knees, and that's a big deal. Always be careful not to get hurt. (Woo-jin)
I'm starting to want to muster up my courage for the very first time. I thought it was an impossible task. But she makes me want to open up and tell her everything. Of course, I'll still feel guilty about what happened to that girl for the rest of my life. But I no longer want to hide my emotions from others just because I feel guilty about an accident that happened in the past. Especially not to her. (Woo-jin)

Woo-jin: Why are you looking at me like that?
Seo-ri: Because you're pretty. It looks like you're living with just less stuff, not with less heart.
I think I should wait for her and support her for now. Telling her how I feel as soon as possible and become her boyfriend aren't important. Because I'm certain and ready. So I think I should wait for her by her side until she is ready. She has a lot of things she need to overcome. (Woo-jin)
Seo-ri: ... what if they use me a little? I'm okay with it. I'm willing to be used. Why are you interfering? Why?
Woo-jin: Because I hate it. I hate for someone I like... no, a woman I love to get hurt more than anything.
Jennifer to Woo-jin: Some things just get better as time goes by. But I don't think that's the case when it comes to resolving uncomfortable feelings you have for another person. People mostly fall apart because they don't say enough. They stop themselves from saying the one thing that matters. I think you should put things back to normal before things get worse because of that one thing you didn't say.
Woo-jin to Seo-ri: I shouldn't have said that. I just didn't want you to get hurt. But I ended up hurting you even more. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Woo-jin to Seo-ri: From now on, I'll tell you how I feel. I don't want us to grow apart because of something petty. So I also want you to tell me everything instead of bottling it up.
Someone looked at my hands and told me that it looks as if I fought with someone. Back then I enjoyed playing, I was proud of my blisters. But now, I'm so embarrassed by my hands. If I ended up performing on stage, I would've become just like my hands. I would have been really embarrassed. My mom gave me this violin, so I can't perform on stage when I'm not proud of myself. (Seo-ri)
Seo-ri: This must be a really great spot. Great things happen every time we're on the pedestrian overpass. Every time I want to meet you but didn't know where you were, I always ended up seeing you here. From now on, I should come here whenever I miss you. 
Woo-jin: You won't have to miss me anymore because I'll always be by your side.
Woo-jin to Seo-ri: Oh, right. I forgot to tell you something important. I like your hair.
Teacher: to Rin Kim: Do you know why I liked Seo-ri's violin? She may not play exactly like the sheet music, but I could definitely see how much she enjoyed playing. She always made me wonder how she'll play next time, and I look forward to it. Rin, you're already a great musician. People strive and want to be like you. Stop torturing yourself by comparing you to another. You should know that you have the right to play music happily. I hope you become a musician that doesn't lose the fun because you strive for perfection.
I guess going out to show off my skills to get all the attention isn't everything, after all. The moment I did something with music truly comforted me. If I can be involved with music in any way, I think I can now be truly happy. (Seo-ri)

Granny: Your husband is very handsome.
Seo-ri: He's not...
Granny: I'll see you next time.
Woo-jin: Thanks for your compliment. Take care, ma'am!
Seo-ri: You're not my husband. She'll feel embarrassed if we correct her. Plus, I'm going to be your husband anyway.
Jennifer: Smiling when you're happy. Crying when you're sad. I believe there are people who have the right to show such emotions and those who don't. I don't have such a right.
Woo-jin: I thought it would never happen too. Until recently, I thought I would never laugh again like how I used to. I'm not sure what happened, but that day will come. The day you can smile like that again. 
Hyung Tae: Why do you sound so calm? Why are you so relaxed? Do you have any idea how I feel about her?
Woo-jin: I don't know how you feel about her. However, I do know how I feel about her. I know very well what it took for me to to choose to love her and stay with her. That's why I'm calm. You don't feel anxious about the things that you are sure of. 
Hyung Tae: If I knew she was so nearby. If I met her back when she came to my house. Or if I met her when I visited that house. No. If I didn't get dispatched abroad, I would've met her a bit sooner.
Jennifer: The words "if" is like a poison, you're gonna live full of regret and not move forward. So don't keep it. The word "if" is so sad.
I think she's using sleep to avoid reality. A lot of people tend to sleep a lot both consciously and subconsciously when they need to deal with something difficult. (Jennifer)
Woo-jin to Seo-ri: I can't imagine my life without you. I love you too much now. My fear of not seeing you anymore is greater than my fear of being hated by you. I know I have no right. It's my fault. Your time, your future, your life, I took them all away. So I want to protect you until you're truly happy once again. You can call me selfish and crazy. I'll be by your side even if you resent me. You can hate me and push me away all you want. Still, I want to be with you. So... Please...
Seo-ri to Woo-jin: It was unfortunate, but it would've happened to me anyway. It wasn't your fault. I knew you first, my heart started to flutter first, and I liked you first. Gong Woo-jin. Your name is Gong Woo-jin. It wasn't just me. For 13 years, you were stuck at the age of 17 too.
Woo-jin: If I got this from you 13 years ago. If we met 13 years ago, it would've been better.
Seo-ri: After I woke up, I felt out of place and it was hard. That's why I thought I wish I had never woken up. Staying in a coma might have been better. Or I wished I had never been in the accident. I got upset countless times as I looked back. But what's in the past can't be changed. If I look back at it and regret it, I'll be the only one stuck behind. But we can change everything now. We can change anything, so I don't want to look back and waste my time.
Woo-jin: I'm falling for you again. I won't get stuck behind either. Let's finish this intermission together.
Jennifer to Woo-jin: "The deity gave us the ability to hope and sleep to make up for all the worries in this world. " Quote by Voltaire. It felt like you finally got to sleep properly for the first time to make up for all the worries that have bothered you until now. 
If you know what you have, you know what to throw away. - Julie Morgenstern (cited by Jennifer)
Woo-jin talking about Seo-ri: Even when I'm eating something that isn't that delicious, it still tastes great when I'm eating it with her. And even when the weather isn't that great, the skies look brighter when I'm with her. And I laugh at the smallest things when I'm with her. She makes every little thing seem really special, and I think that's why she's special.
Yoo Chan to Seo-ri: You asked me earlier, why I brought you to a place we come to every day. Instead of doing something awkward that doesn't suit me such as riding a scooter and taking you to a nice restaurant, I wanted to take you to a place that I felt the most comfortable being in. I figured that was the only way I could tell you wholeheartedly. That's why I brought you here... I like you a lot. It's not like the way I like Deok Su and Hae Bum. I like you in a different way. When I'm thinking about you, my heart tickles as if something is crawling inside. When you cry, my heart breaks. You make me smile, and when you're sad, I want to comfort you. I want to protect you. In a few months, I'll be with a professional team. I'll be an adult soon. You can trust me. I will protect you. I was going to tell you that on the day I won. But you don't have to worry now. Because that's all in the past. Still, I felt like I should say that. Because that way, I can fully get over it. If I kept it inside, I would've kept pretending to be okay. You're my first love. I want my first love to have a proper ending. That's why I'm telling you everything. So I can be okay... You saw how quickly my ankle recovered, didn't you? I recover exceptionally fast. I'll get better really soon. Like these calluses, my heart has some calluses of its own as well. I feel relieved. I'm glad I told you. 
The only cure for grief is action. - G. H. Lewes (cited by Jennifer)
Hyung Tae to Seo-ri: I kept on asking myself "what if" questions. But I think I should stop now. I like being a doctor. It's rewarding. Do you remember? I was foolishly thinking that I'd become a singer. I was so awkward.
Seo-ri's letter to Woo-jin: Woo-jin, I won't go to Germany. People say I'd be a fool to miss this chance, but missing what's precious to me is more stupid, I think... If I didn't come to this house after waking up, and if I didn't meet my family and you, I would've definitely gone. But not anymore. I have something more important than playing violin. I want to live with the people I like here. That's what makes me happy. And above all, being with you makes me the happiest. I don't care if people call me a fool. I chose to be happy, and I chose what's more precious to me. I didn't give up, I made a choice.
Seo-ri to Woo-jin: Honestly, I was scared of my age before. I'll be at least 37 or 38 when I'm a music therapist. But so what? Who cares if I'm 38 or 50? I was afraid because it'd take too long. But I don't want to worry about my age. Even if it takes a long time, I'll be with the people I like, and study slowly.
Really? hahhaaaa
Woo-jin: I booked a flight to Berlin for the day after tomorrow to see you.
Seo-ri: Why did you cry so much if you were coming in two days?
Woo-jin: I didn't cry.
Seo-ri: Hyun said you cried buckets.
Woo-jin: It was because of the wind. The wind was so strong.
Seo-ri: Oh, strong wind.
Woo-jin: You don't believe me. It was really windy.
Seo-ri: Sure. I believe you. But it's not that windy here.
Woo-jin: It was windy there.
Seo-ri: I guess only that place was windy.
Woo-jin: I'm telling you, it was really windy.
Seo-ri: I see.
Seo-ri: It'll be only the two of us left behind. I have no idea what to do in a situation like this. I can't really ask anyone either.
Woo-jin: I'm sorry for being so thoughtless. I had no idea you were so aware of it.
Seo-ri: You know the situation I'm in. I always felt bad since you're so considerate of me. You're always waiting for me. I think I just didn't want to make you do that again.
Woo-jin: I really don't want you to worry about something in advance. I know very well that saying something like that would feel too rushed for you. Just like you said, we should take it slowly. It's okay to take it slowly and to really live your moments. I don't want to make you feel like you skipped over something again. I'll wait until you tell me that you're ready. I don't expect anything from you right now. I just don't want you to be uncomfortable. I want to be the person you find most comfortable. If we're left alone, do you think you'll find me more uncomfortable?
Seo-ri: No, not at all. I find you most comfortable. I like you the most too.
Woo-jin: Then you have your answer. Let's just stay comfortably like we are now. We're happy and doing well. Just because the situation changes doesn't mean we have to change too.
Seo-ri: Okay, I'll live comfortably.
Seo-ri to Jennifer: It is a beautiful fate to meet you for the first time. Thank you for being such a beautiful fate to me. Thank you so much, Jennifer. I promise we'll meet again. I promise.
They say, "when one door to happiness closes, another door to happiness opens up for you. But many of us are only focused on the closed door, and don't even realize that another door has opened up. Perhaps, the other door to happiness might not be something grand or special. Perhaps, the small and trivial things that look insignificant are the other doors to happiness. The small, roof window in my room had always been closed since I didn't know it could be opened. She taught me how to open it, and it then became another door to happiness. If you don't flop down in front of a closed door. Before it's too late, if you take a look at the other door to happiness. If you muster up the courage and walk towards it, then perhaps, you might be able to find the happiness you didn't even realize existed. (Woo-jin)