October 10, 2019

The Best 'Age of Youth 2' Quotes: "Those Who Dream, Will Never Age."

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But, you’re not living with us. You’ll visit us occasionally. Then, you’ll stop coming. Then, we’ll stop seeing each other. We’ll end up going our ways like that. (Eun Jae)
I may not be as good a person as I think I am, and that thought scares me.
Forget it. It’s not a big deal. People divorce after getting married and having kids. Breaking up after dating, so what? Do people marry everyone they date? Then all children’s father is the mother’s first love? Don’t worry. It will all pass. 
Don’t worry. Everything will pass. I know that it feels like everyone is talking about you. But, that’s not true. People don’t really care. Only you care. (Ji Won)
The one that hurts never knows. Only the one that is hurt remembers. (Eun Jae)
I don’t want to hurt anybody. Especially the person who love me. (Jo Eun)
I’m not successful yet because I’m not doing my best. (Heimdal)
Taking the initiative and being obsessive are different. Being aggressive after you broke up is just scary. (Jang Hoon)
I always measure my distance. So that I don’t get closer than necessary… so that nobody can get closer than necessary. Keeping at a distance is self-isolating. Keeping at a distance is becoming lonely to that extent. Survival is just like that. This was my survival strategy. I lived like a fenced-in horse. I’ve survived that way. And I will survive that way.
Don’t you know the three questions one should never ask? When will you work? When will you marry? When will you have kids? (Ji Won)
When I was younger, I was the center of the world. I thought the world would stop when I fell asleep. Everything moved for me. I couldn’t imagine the world without me. Back then… everything existed to love me.
When did I realize… that the world still moves even without me? When did I realize… that I’m not the center of the world anymore? When did I realize… that I’m just one of many from my heart. And since when did I… start to put others at the center of my world? When did I realize how much I desire to have things I can’t have? When did I start to rather choose to hate myself… out of anger? Once again today, I painfully realize that… I can also be hated… just like I can hate someone. (Ye Eun)
People with empathy often blame themselves when they see others suffer and become abusive. People who are selfish, on the other hand, never look inwards to see the problem. (Eun Jae)
I’m not being sexist! Men and women need to be careful of their bodies, particularly when it’s the first time. Alright? (Sung Min)
Nothing is working out since the day I met you. (Sung Min to Ji Won)
Why must I be responsible? How can I be responsible of other people’s life? There’s no one. You’re also, Ma’am. Ye Eun’s life is her own responsibility. That’s the only way. That’s why… you [Ye Eun] choose yourself. (Jin Myung)
Miracles don’t happen to everyone who works hard. (Jin Myung)
Sweat that flows because of hard work will never betray you.
You asked why I was like this, what’s the point in doing this. I am aware of it - that it is pointless. But I feel wronged. I also know that efforts alone aren’t enough; even then, I worked really hard. No words can explain how hard I worked. But suddenly, I was told to give up. I haven’t prepared myself, but the company… that’s why… it’s unclear but I was angry and aggrieved. I felt like I needed to do something, but I didn’t know whom to vent this anger on. (Heimdal)
I used to think it was unfair. Working hard for seven years felt like a waste of time. If I quit, it’s as if I'm admitting that I am a failure. Everyone in my hometown knew I was going to be a celebrity, so I was ashamed and guilty. But nymphs don’t live just to become cicadas, right? Nymphs have their own happiness as nymphs. Looking back, I also had a lot of fun in those seven years. It may be a self-consolation, but I learned a lot, too. (Heimdal)
Do nymphs live their lives to become cicadas? Maybe they’re happier during the time they live as nymphs… cicadas may just be nymphs in their later years.
If I don’t like anyone, then I won’t get hurt. If I don’t want anything, then I won’t be sad. Don’t have hope that will amount to nothing. Don’t wish for anything. Close the door tightly. If I pretend not to know, everything will go back to what it was before. If I don’t show interest, then other people won’t be interested in me either. (Jo Eun)
It all started, then. It was by chance. By chance, we happened to sit at the same place. We didn’t share beliefs or the same hobbies. We didn’t grow up in similar situations. We just happened to sit at the same row. That was all. And that was enough. That day… we became friends. (Ye Eun)
Maybe hatred is like a snowball. It starts as a little ball but it grows bigger and bigger and it rolls over different emotions. We hate because we like too much. Because they don’t like is back. Because they have too much, because we feel too guilty, because we have no choice. When the bitterness grows too much, it gets out of our hands. (Jin Myung)
Why don’t we tell them now, when it’s not too late? The more we postpone it, the harder it is to say the truth. (Jo Eun)
I only believe what I want to believe so I can be a little bit happier. I only remember what I want to remember because I need to protect myself. (Ji Won)
What kind of future did that child once dream of? Was it an ordinary life? Or a special life? To be provided for? Or to be loved? Though I’m a bit late, I grieve for her. I grieve for her dream that’s now become nothing. The things I remember, the things I can’t remember, the things that can’t be helped… My friend, Moon Hyo Jin.
Today, I pray for them. I hope that they don’t have to suffer, that they won’t have to go through more than they can bear. Even it may seem boring, I hope they can live an ordinary life. And I also pray, even if they have no way out, they will get through it. Even when they’re scared to death, I hope they can walk forward. They will do do their all to become the person they wanted to be. (Ji Won)
Those who dream, will never age. 
 Images and gif credit: Original authors


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