August 7, 2023

Best "Dr Romantic 3" Quotes That Are the Actual Life Lessons Anyone Should Hear

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Best "Dr Romantic 3" Quotes That Are the Actual Life Lessons Anyone Should Hear

There are always variables at play. And where there is a will, there is a way. (Minguk)

Just because something is simple doesn’t mean anyone can do it. A simple solution doesn’t make it easy. (Master Kim)

Sure, work-life balance. I also think that’s important. But you wanted to be a doctor. Then do what you must. (Woojin)

Save the patient, no matter what. That was Master Kim’s first lesson that he taught us. (Woojin)

To avoid making the same mistake, all I can do is focus on the patient in front of me. That’s how I repay my shortcomings. (Woojin)

 In life, you will run into more people you don’t get along with than the ones you do. (Master Kim)

Generally speaking, it’s important to make it down well. But this darn thing called pride makes a man act petty. (Jinman)

If you’re going down anyway, you might as well look cool doing it. But greed and arrogance make you try so hard. Only after you become a wreck will you finally be able to let it go. (Jinman)

Stress is a type of illness, too. (Donghwa)

They say it’s scariest when depression comes in the form of a smile. (Nurse)

I have seen many instances that surpass the boundaries of medicine. It’s what people call "miracles." However, I call it the will of the person. (Master Kim)

Don’t give up. In the end, a person’s will is what makes a miracle. (Master Kim) 
Best "Dr Romantic 3" Quotes That Are the Actual Life Lessons Anyone Should Hear

You should still stay strong. Only then can you keep living.

Is there a non-hard way to live? I’ve never seen anyone live an easy life. (Woojin)

They say "You can’t achieve anything without going crazy." I guess we’re people who are crazy for those moments and always moving forward to achieve those moments. (Eunjae)

Sometimes, there are levels that you can’t reach without going crazy. And Master Kim calls it romance. (Woojin)

Don’t give up on the question of why we live and what we live for. The moment we give up on that question, our romance is over. (Master Kim)
Best "Dr Romantic 3" Quotes That Are the Actual Life Lessons Anyone Should Hear

They say that life puts us to the test in two ways. Either nothing happens or everything happens all at once. (Master Kim) 

There are only two outcomes. You either put the elephant in or the refrigerator breaks. (Master Kim)

The moments that I thought would never connect in my life started to connect one by one. The things I thought would just pass by are starting to become meaningful, one by one. And that meaning is taking shape and becoming tangible. It’s the moment when dreams come true. (Master Kim)

And the moment a dream comes true, you’ll encounter another reality because life goes on, regardless. (Nurse Oh)

To live is to enter a new path every day. And to face a new reality every day. (Eunjae)

Not knowing something is nothing to be ashamed of. You can learn. But I believe hiding the fact that you don’t know something is dangerous. (Euntak)

That weakness of yours has made you who you are now. So believe in the effort that you’ve put in so far. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Don’t be anxious about how others might see you or what they might think of you. (Master Kim)

It’s not other people’s views of you that make you. It’s your own views that make you. Praise yourself more and be kind to yourself. (Master Kim)
Best "Dr Romantic 3" Quotes That Are the Actual Life Lessons Anyone Should Hear
Best "Dr Romantic 3" Quotes That Are the Actual Life Lessons Anyone Should Hear

There’s no need to live as someone else has. You just need to live your own life. (Master Kim)

Even if you study hard, memorize things, and watch videos, nothing beats actual experience. (Eunjae)
Best "Dr Romantic 3" Quotes That Are the Actual Life Lessons Anyone Should Hear

You see, marriage isn’t something you do just because you have feelings for them.

No matter how much the world changes, I won’t allow you to live together before marriage. If he truly cared for you and loved you, he wouldn’t have made this decision. He decides to skip all procedures and formalities and irresponsibly start living together? (Eunjae’s mom)

Only people who have received love can give love. (Eunjae’s mom)

You may be a good doctor, but being good to a family is another matter. (Eunjae’s mom)

People don’t consider marriage the event of a lifetime for no reason.

He never gave up on me no matter the situation. No matter the situation, he was on my side. (Woojin)

You have to go big or go home. Love without action is just being plain lazy.  And what happens to lazy love? It withers away quickly. It can never last long. (Donghwa)

I believe that without a past, you don’t have a present. If you love the present, there’s no past you can’t understand. (Areum)

To me, everyday at Doldam Hospital is a spring day. (Woojin)

I’m with people I love. What more could I ask for? (Woojin)

The world is an unfair place. And it’s unjust. But still, don’t assume that others had it easy while achieving the things they worked so hard for. That would really infuriate me because I worked myself to the bone to get here. (Woojin)

Not everyone in this world will understand our true intentions. They’re not that interested in us. So there’s no need to explain how hard we lived or how hard we tried. (Master Kim)

Best "Dr Romantic 3" Quotes That Are the Actual Life Lessons Anyone Should Hear
Best "Dr Romantic 3" Quotes That Are the Actual Life Lessons Anyone Should Hear
Best "Dr Romantic 3" Quotes That Are the Actual Life Lessons Anyone Should Hear

Best "Dr Romantic 3" Quotes That Are the Actual Life Lessons Anyone Should Hear

Just because we live silently doesn’t mean we disappear. (Master Kim)

What matters the most never disappears. (Master Kim)

We’ve always faced hardships and crises. It has always been hard. Still, we never once tried to dodge those hardships like cowards. We always tried to find a way to break through it, and that’s how we got here. (Master Kim)

Do you know how to really get revenge? By becoming a better human than them. You prove to those who ignored you and discriminated against you that their prejudice and concerns were misplaced and nothing but nonsense with your skills. (Master Kim)

You may be able to hide your actions but your conscience will haunt you forever. (Master Kim)

There is no such thing as a choice you're forced to make. You make a choice because you're that kind of person.

There’s always a price to pay for every choice we make. However, most people don’t realize that at the moment. Only after time has passed will they realize what was lost because of the choices. (Jinman)

You have nothing to be afraid of. In an all-out-war, you go all-out. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. (Master Kim)

It’s hard when there’s a lot of work. But it’s also very hard when there’s no work to do. (Nurse Joo)
Best "Dr Romantic 3" Quotes That Are the Actual Life Lessons Anyone Should Hear
Best "Dr Romantic 3" Quotes That Are the Actual Life Lessons Anyone Should Hear

It won’t change anything just because you can’t accept it.

There’s only one way a parrotbill can keep up with a stork. It can be done by looking in the same direction as the stork. Without feeling intimidated by the stork’s pace and going at its own pace. It may take some time, but they’ll eventually arrive at the same place. It won’t lose direction or tear its legs apart. (Dr. Bae)

Instead of nitpicking and asking "What’s wrong with you?" you need to ask "Why are they doing this?" And put yourself in their shoes. Once you understand them, there can be endless possibilities for a solution to the problem. (Master Kim)

No matter how just the reason is, if the process of achieving it isn’t right, then it isn’t right. (Master Kim)


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