February 18, 2024

[Feb 17] “My Happy Ending” Episode 13: Rating & Recap

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One of the dramas that resumed airing after a week-long break due to the Lunar New Year holiday was TV Chosun’s “My Happy Ending.” It had average ratings of 2.3% nationwide.

“My Happy Ending” episode 13 recap

[Feb 17] “My Happy Ending” Episode 13: Rating & Recap

Jang Nara and So Yi-hyun had a fierce confrontation that was irreversible.

In the 13th episode, Seo Jae-won (Jang Nara) revealed the crime of Kwon Young-ik (Kim Myung-soo), who killed her husband Heo Soon-young (Son Ho-jun), but Kwon Yoon-jin (So Yi-hyun), who built up more viciously, ran wild with her own will and exuded a creepy vibe. 

How Jae-won exposed the culprits of her kidnapping and husband’s murder

Jae-won, who was kidnapped, saw Young-ik, who appeared in front of her eyes, and said, “It was you. Kwon Young-ik,” expressing her anger. But Young-ik said, “Would you believe me if I said that Heo Soon-young’s death was inevitable? It was an accident,” and made excuses. 

Jae-won, who confirmed that Kwon Young-ik was the murderer who killed Soon-young, said, “You tried to cover up Kwon Yoon-jin’s mistake. You killed Soon-young because of your promotion,” and shed bitter tears. He was excited, saying, “Heo Soon-young was killed by you,” and tried to spray pesticide on Jae-won’s mouth. At the moment, Jae-won, who was resisting fiercely, fainted, Yoon Tae-o (Lee Ki-taek) appeared, and Young-ik and his subordinate Yoon Je (Hwang Yoon-je) fled.

On the other hand, Yoon-jin, who met Young-ik after waiting for him, said, “Did you just come without doing anything?” and sneered as if to blame him. Then, his lawyer handed him a will that inherited everything to Yoon-jin. Yoon-jin said, “It’s natural that it comes to me. You’ve done your job,” and smiled brightly. Kwon Young-ik burst into a hollow laugh. 

Meanwhile, Jae-won, who woke up in the hospital, checked the video of Young-ik confessing at the time of kidnapping with Tae-o. She indeed had planted a camera on the button of the clothes she was wearing, anticipating that she would be kidnapped. Then Jae-won and Tae-o wondered if Oh Su-jin, a detective (Kim Su-jin) who showed an active investigation will, was a trustworthy person.

In the meantime, Young-ik, who attended the national audit and answered questions, heard from the chairman, “There was a rumor that you were the culprit of the Seo Jae-won case a while ago,” and strongly denied it. But Jae-won appeared as a witness and said that Young-ik, the minister, was the culprit of the kidnapping case, shaking the scene. 

Jae-won played the video of Young-ik filmed and he argued that it was a manipulated video. But Detective Oh rushed in and arrested Kwon Young-ik on charges of ‘Seo Jae-won kidnapping and Heo Soon-young murder’. 

The twisted truth behind the case

However, Young-ik, who was arrested, closed his mouth, saying, “I did everything,” to Oh’s question whether all the incidents. Meanwhile, Jae-won and Tae-o became suspicious of Kwon Young-ik’s subordinate Yoon Je and started an investigation. Jae-won recalled the scene where Kwon Yoon-jin and Yoon Je met at the company in the past and deduced that Yoon-jin was at the scene of Heo Soon-young’s murder.

Later, Yoon-jin suddenly visited Jae-won and the 2 had a fierce confrontation. Jae-won was angry, “Don’t think you can get out of everything you’ve done until now because of what happened 7 years ago.” Yoon-jin said, “You’re really shameless. I’ve never forgotten a single moment from the moment I saw you with that guy at the hotel 7 years ago until now,” and fought back. 

Jae-won denied that it was her will, but Yoon-jin said, “You took away my precious thing first, so I did the same,” and shouted confidently. Jae-won then said, “You were at the scene of Soon-young, too,” and revealed that she had figured out Yoon-jin’s evil deed and told Kwon Yoon-jin, who said, “You think you won,” “Someone died. What does it mean to win or lose?” and cried out. But Yoon-jin felt no remorse, “Don’t think you know everything. Look forward to this time,” and left, provoking Jae-won’s anger.

Then, at the end of episode 13, Jae-won and Tae-o were surrounded by anxiety as they saw an ambulance and a police car in front of the safe house where they secretly moved Baek Seung-kyu (Oh Hyun-joong). As soon as Tae-o ran in, Seung-kyu’s body was carried out on a stretcher. Tae-o grabbed Jae-won, who was shocked, and calmed her down. 

Moreover, right then, Yoon-jin, who was covered in blood, walked out of the safe house. The scene of Yoon-jin, who was shaking her body pitifully, and Jae-won, who was frozen in horror, fixed their eyes on each other, and the ‘creepy madness ending’ that contained it hinted at the fierce waves that would sweep over in the future.

(Source: newsen.com)


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