November 10, 2023

Enjoy A New Kind of Steamed Egg Custard with Tofu: Easy, Healthy, and Yummy

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Enjoy A New Kind of Steamed Egg Custard with Tofu: Easy, Healthy, and Yummy

This is not the usual steamed egg custard you know! This is a healthier and tastier version with tofu! Try making this tofu steamed egg custard at home~

Enjoy A New Kind of Steamed Egg Custard with Tofu: Easy, Healthy, and Yummy
Enjoy A New Kind of Steamed Egg Custard with Tofu: Easy, Healthy, and Yummy
Enjoy A New Kind of Steamed Egg Custard with Tofu: Easy, Healthy, and Yummy

Main ingredients: Tofu (350g), eggs (6), onion (90g), carrot (70g), king oyster mushroom (90g), red pepper (1), cheongyang pepper (1), chives (25g)

Seasoning ingredients: salt (1/2t), sesame oil (2T), black pepper powder (a pinch), cooking wine (1T), cooking oil (1T)

Steamed egg custard cooking procedure

  1. Wrap the tofu (350g) in a cotton cloth, mash it with a knife and squeeze out the water
  2. Cut the king oyster mushroom (90g) into small pieces. You can also use enoki mushrooms instead of king oyster mushrooms for a different texture.
  3. Cut the onion (90g) into quarters and chop finely
  4. Chop the carrot (70g) finely. You can use a chopper to save time and effort.
  5. In a bowl, whisk the eggs (6) with salt (1/2t), black pepper powder (a pinch), cooking wine (1T), and sesame oil (1T)
  6. In a heated pan, add cooking oil (1T) and sesame oil (1/2T) and sauté the onion until soft and fragrant
  7. Add the king oyster mushroom and carrot and stir-fry for a few minutes, then add the tofu and sesame oil (1/2T) and stir-fry well
  8. Add the chopped red pepper, cheongyang pepper, and chives and stir-fry briefly, then pour half of the egg mixture and stir-fry until the egg is cooked
  9. Pour the remaining egg mixture, mix well, cover, and cook on low heat for about 10 minutes
  10. Transfer the tofu steamed egg custard to a plate, cut it into pizza slices, and serve hot or cold. You can also make it ahead of time and reheat it in the microwave.

This recipe is from Jeon Jeon-joo, a former professor at Incheon College of Arts and Arts.

(Source: EBS)


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