November 26, 2023

“Night Has Come” will soon thrill viewers with its suspenseful plot!

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“Night Has Come” will soon thrill viewers with its suspenseful plot!

Night Has Come is about a group of high school students who go on a class retreat and end up playing a deadly real-life version of the mafia game. They have to find out who the mystery killer is among them, while also trying to survive the brutal deaths that await them if they fail. The drama stars Lee Jae In, Kim Woo Seok, Choi Ye Bin, Cha Woo Min, Ahn Ji Ho, Jeong So Ri, and more, and will show the intense psychological battle between the students.

The trailer starts with the students happily playing a harmless game of mafia on the bus on their way to the retreat. But when they arrive, they get strange text messages that say, “The mafia game begins now. Please check your assigned profession.” They are then asked to vote for someone, and the students casually pick one of their classmates.

But things get horrifyingly serious when the vote is over. A mysterious voice says that Heo Yool (Park Yoon Ho) has been chosen to be executed, and Heo Yool suddenly feels a terrible pain in his head. His friends think he is joking at first, but then they see his eyes turn white and realize that something evil is happening.

Heo Yool dies, and his classmates freak out, wondering, “What do we do now? What if we die here too?” They try to leave, but they have no cell phone signal.

Then, class president Joon Hee (Kim Woo Seok) proposes that everyone give up their phones and not vote for anyone, saying, “If no one votes, then we can all live.” But his idea is quickly proven wrong when a loud alarm goes off and the gymnasium turns red, with the students frantically looking for their phones and screaming, “If we don’t vote, we die!”

As the students look for a way out, Yoon Seo (Lee Jae In) says, “First, we need to figure out who started this game and why.” Later, the classmates start to betray each other, with one student saying, “After all, it’s okay as long as it’s not us,” and another accusing someone, “They died because of you!”

The trailer ends with the caption, “If you want to live, kill your friend!” One student asks, “Are you going to kill me?” and another says, “Let’s survive and get out of here, no matter what.”

“Night Has Come” will air on December 4. For more videos, please see here.


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