December 22, 2023

Easy and Healthy Epic Bone Broth with Commercial Stock

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Easy and Healthy Bone Broth with Commercial Stock

The best bone broth as a health food!

Here is a simple recipe that you can easily cook at home~

■ Main Ingredients: 

Commercial bone broth (4 cups/800ml) such as EPIC bone broth, Pacific bone broth, or Butcher's bone broth, water (2 cups/400ml), salt (1t), boiled beef (300g), green onion (40g), burdock root (20g), king oyster mushroom (40g)

■ Seasoning Ingredients: 

Miso (2T), soy sauce (1T), sesame oil (2t), minced garlic (2t), red pepper powder (2t)

■ EPIC Bone Broth Cooking Procedure

Easy and Healthy Bone Broth with Commercial Stock
Easy and Healthy Bone Broth with Commercial Stock
Easy and Healthy Bone Broth with Commercial Stock

1. Cut the boiled beef (300g) into bite-sized pieces.

2. In a bowl, mix miso (2T), soy sauce (1T), red pepper powder (2t), minced garlic (2t), and sesame oil (2t) to make the seasoning.

3. Add the beef to the seasoning and toss well. Let it marinate for about 15 minutes. This will enhance the flavor of the meat.

4. In a pot, combine bone broth (2 cups/400ml) and water (2 cups/400ml) and bring it to a boil. If you need to boil commercial bone broth for a long time, dilute it with water to prevent it from reducing too much.

5. Chop the green onion (40g). Separate the white and green parts. Cook the white parts first and add the green parts later.

6. Cut the burdock root (20g) in half, chop it into small pieces, and cut the stem into bite-sized pieces.

7. Thinly slice the king oyster mushroom (40g).

8. Add the marinated beef and broth to the pot and simmer for about 10 minutes.

9. After skimming off the foam, add the remaining bone broth (2 cups/400ml), white parts of the green onion, and burdock root, and simmer for a while.

10. Add the green parts of the green onion, burdock stem, and king oyster mushroom and boil.

11. Season with salt (1t). You can also use fish sauce instead of salt for a deeper flavor.

12. Serve your Epic bone broth in a bowl. Enjoy!

This is a recipe by Bang Young-ah (author of the best-selling Korean, Taiwanese, and Chinese book <Seasons in a Bottle>).

Source: EBS


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